It’s Gonna Be Moose – Here’s a Good Indicator – IOTW Report

It’s Gonna Be Moose – Here’s a Good Indicator

The responses are from obvious bots, perhaps paid shills. The responses are scripted with a certain narrative.

This is being done to get ahead of any anti-Michelle memes ahead of her candidacy. This has never happened prior.

34 Comments on It’s Gonna Be Moose – Here’s a Good Indicator

  1. I can see them thinking that as a ‘dark horse’ candidate (oh. I’m going to hell now aren’t I), she wouldn’t have the negativity that perhaps Trump has and get more votes. But I don’t see people voting for the Democrat, regardless of who it is, because of the border, the economy, etc.
    However, having a unique ‘surprise’ candidate, whomever it may be, could give them enough media cover for Dominion to do its job with less pushback.

  2. Think about it with regard to one issue only:

    Who will fix the border disaster?


    Obama (Barack and Mike) 3.0?


    Trump i.e. Patton 2.0 is our only hope.

  3. Kinda disturbing how slobbering all of those replies on X were, ain’t it? It’s one thing to praise a man, and it’s another thing entirely to lick his asshole in public like that.


    He was our first illegitimate president. Currently serving his third term. Change you can believe in. I’m not digging the change. Between now and next October things will get violent. Conservatives need to spend some time getting good at violence. I know that’s not a very popular thought. But it’s the truth.

  5. @Brad — While I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments about Barky, I think you’ll find that Woodrow Wilson was our first illegitimate President. One year into his 2nd term, on October 2, 1919, he had a very serious stroke and was largely paralyzed on his left side. Then a UTI, then influenza, and he’d always had asthma and hypertension. He was in terrible shape and it was the First Lady who was doing most of the Presidenting.

  6. You would have to search far and wide to find someone as vindictive and spiteful as Big Mike. As for Mike’s appearance beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I wouldn’t want to run into it/thing in a dark alley.

  7. Remember back to when these two freeloaders first met the queen. The customary gifts were exchanged. Mike brought the queen a WalMart gas grill signed on the lid by her,er him, with the following inscription. There’s no such thing as a spare rib. Mikey.

  8. Don, Don at ABC, used to talk about how beautiful and elegant Big Mike was.

    “If you like being raped by a gorilla?”, was my response.

    Don didn’t talk to me for years, which was fine with me. He was a fucking lunatic.

  9. I think to say Obama is in charge is giving him too much credit and ignoring the people pulling the strings. He may be a facilitator, but he is not bright enough to be in charge.

  10. The perfect democrat candidate, race, gender and no voting record. Also, “good friends” with Oprah.

    Note: I avoided using pronouns in this post, since I’m not sure which would be appropriate.

  11. odinga is a half a three dollar bill, so that’s gotta be a dude.and that’s not ok.

    besides that- they are two below average grifters. all shuck and no jive.

  12. This was the flavor of things about the Øbamboozler in 2008 –

    Tyrone (Historian) says on this date in 1962 Soviet missile bases were discovered in Cuba. If that happened today, I’m not sure which dictator our Peace Prize President would be going after next, or which country he’d be withdrawing troops from by the end of the week, but I sez “it’s all good cuz Obama’s Black and that’s good enough for me!

    Porky, (Student) sez: My teacher (who belongs to an exempted union) says all Republicans are mean people who hate children, and if I don’t tell my parents to vote for Obama, one dark night the sheriff will send his thugs to arrest me!
    Leroy (Pimp) sez: The president of the local NAALCP supports Obama. Besides, Obama’s black, and that’s good enough for me.

    Dominique (Totally Unemployed) sez: I feel a tingle run up my leg whenever I hear Obama speak, just like Chris Matthews on PMSNBC! Besides, Obama’s black, and that’s good enough for me.

    Reverum Calhoun (Minister): Who cares how many Black pastors defied the IRS on Pulpit Freedom Sunday when they preached politics from their platforms. I just want DemocRATS to pay me to tell my congregation to vote for Obama. Besides, Obama’s black, and that’s good enough for me.

    Rashid (Streetcorner Pharmacist) sez: Say What? I can’t believe Martin Luther King, Jr. was really a Republican. Besides, Obama’s black, and that’s good enough for me.
    Lance (Sodomy Rites Activist) sez: Obama and the DemocRATS support same-sex marriage! Bethides, Obama’s black, and that’s good enough for me!

    Ed Norton (Sewer Worker) sez: I’m not really “undecided.” I just said it so you’d interview me, just like I do whenever a pollster calls on the telephone.
    Besides, Obama’s only half black so I really don’t care about it!

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