‘It’s got to be dealt with’: Boulder that provoked controversy removed from UW-Madison campus – IOTW Report

‘It’s got to be dealt with’: Boulder that provoked controversy removed from UW-Madison campus

The university paid 50 grand to remove a rock that was referred to in a newspaper article, in 1925!!!!, with a racial slur. But, so says the snowflakes, the nickname was so painful, people of color couldn’t even look at the rock. There will be no end to this sort of thing. Once a group feels the power they possess, they will not relinquish it.

(I guessed what the nickname was, but it took me a long time to confirm because every other article I found on this topic steered clear of the nickname altogether. The news outlet below published it.)


30 Comments on ‘It’s got to be dealt with’: Boulder that provoked controversy removed from UW-Madison campus

  1. Trees were used for lynching; so all the trees should be removed from the campus too. Black slaves were forced to trim plantation lawns; so all the sod on campus should be skimmed off and dumped in Lake Superior.

    The fucking idiots doing this deserve to be stomped to death with hobnail boots.

  2. A winter’s day
    In a deep and dark December
    I am alone
    Gazing from my window to the streets below
    On a freshly fallen silent shroud of snow
    I am a rock I am an island

    Always remember, no man is an island,
    but every man has a peninsula.

  3. It has a bit of a red, purple, & pink colour to it.

    If they want to pay to ship it up to my front lawn I will re-name it “Dick Head” Rock.

    $5 and anyone can get a picture with my Dick.

  4. ^^^ I tried four times to post a similar picture, but the blog format wouldn’t let it post, so I tried a different one. ^^^

    I haven’t opened the link btw, the rock just struck me as looking like a gorilla’s head – which could be deemed racists in today’s snowflake world.

  5. …maybe it wouldbe easier to take such complaints seriously if that very same word weren’t blasted at 1000 decibels from EVERY POPULAR MODERN BLACK SONG…

  6. Wild Bill, my grandmother also said niggertoes referring to Brazil nuts and she’s black.
    It didn’t matter at all to her. When she grew up nobody said only blacks could say nigger.
    I didn’t know the correct name for those nuts until I got to High school. LOL!

  7. “This is a huge accomplishment for us,” Black Student Union President Nalah McWhorter said at the Campus Planning Commission meeting last fall. “We won’t have that constant reminder, that symbol that we don’t belong here.”

    Her time would have been better used to help some inner city kid learn how to read, but her hypersensitive feelings about a rock mattered more to her.

  8. “@Deep Thoughts – “…but every man has a peninsula…”

    Not trans men….no wait, you said peninsula, not peni…Nevermind.”

    Oh my Gawd! it’s horrible! make it go away! somebody bring a CHIZZL!

  9. Bob M.
    AUGUST 8, 2021 AT 7:24 AM
    “BLM should remove it, by symbolically breaking it down into pea gravel first!

    With ballpeen hammers. 😀”

    …and then they should use those hammers to pound every last bit of that jagged gravel up their asses.


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