It’s Hard For Thumb Body To Admit When They’re Wrong – IOTW Report

It’s Hard For Thumb Body To Admit When They’re Wrong

ht/c. steven tucker


11 Comments on It’s Hard For Thumb Body To Admit When They’re Wrong

  1. Why would anyone that supported Trump believe, listen to, or support Eric the dumb thumb ever again?

    Never forget the damage Eric tried to do while we were electing Trump and attempting to save the USA. Never forget Eric continued with his BS attacks through election day in November.

    Yes, Eric, FU Bigly.


  2. Frankly, conservative critics and skeptics of Donald Trump, myself included, could well stand to admit in this first week there has been much about which we should be happy. We should admit Donald Trump is thus far, far better than Hillary Clinton.

    Some people admit they should/could admit they’re wrong or owe an apology and that is as close as you get to an apology or admission they were wrong.

    A while back, a crazy sister of my last GF admitted “Everyone in the family says I should apologize to you.” (for an unwarranted tirade she had)

    Then considered that as an apology. No, you crazy bitch. You haven’t even got close to one yet.

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