It’s just a mask – IOTW Report

It’s just a mask

Wow. Stunning video mocking the American people who have rolled over, in a matter of months, to a new American Order that is nothing short of totalitarianism.

ht/ michelle’s big beaver

28 Comments on It’s just a mask

  1. Yesterday I got to see a fairly large sample of people’s use of and attitude about masks. I worked as an election deputy in Florida primary in a precinct mostly in Englewood. We had somewhere between seven and eight hundred voters come through and I personally greeted pretty much all of them.

    — The majority, maybe three quarters, wore masks
    — About half of those wore blue paper masks improperly
    — Cloth face diapers mostly didn’t fit properly either
    — I saw several masks with valves that don’t filter exhalations
    — There were about 20 masks with either TRUMP or MAGA on them
    — Masks were more common among the young and very old
    — People appearing in the 40-60 age were less likely to be masked

    One of the most significant things I experienced was maybe a hundred or so approached me with mask in hand and asked if they were required. My universal reply was, “It’s up to you.” *ALL* of them reacted with happy relief, but *ALL* of them were ready to put on their face diaper.

    *THE* most significant thing about the day was that *NOBODY*, not the voters, not my coworkers, not any of the handful of Board of Elections bureaucrats that showed up every said ONE WORD about the fact that of the crew of about 15 poll workers, I was the only one without either a mask or face shield.

  2. I don’t wear a mask unless I am in the presence of elderly, or at my job I follow the directive there. But other than that I don’t wear a mask.

    Thank you for your concern and thank you for the offer of a free mask, but I don’t use them. OK, thank you. Have a nice day. Two exceptions in five months and I don’t need to ever shop at either place in the future.

  3. New Flash:

    1 John 2:15-17 ESV
    Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions—is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.

    File under: The World is Not Your Home

  4. The logical conclusion of all of this is that the elite are going to own all the wealth and totally dominate the rest of society through dictatorial gov’t and media and mobs.

    Everything that they’ve done and are doing is heading us in that direction.

    Voting is not going to stop it. We tried that in ’16.

    Either there will be a civil war to put a stop to all of this, or get ready for the 100% certainty that you will be a beggarly, obedient, serf.

    The gov’t closed businesses, locked us down, and then gave their approval for the riotous mobs, and them only, to go out and loot and destroy property.

    The federal reserve is debasing the shit out of our money.

    It’s all downhill from here.

    I have faith in God. To have faith in the republican party is foolhardy. The republican party saved us from exactly NOTHING.

  5. “I would love to wear your mask, but it’s illegal to cover my face while carrying a concealed handgun”. Then you see the mental gymnastics going on, they start nervously looking me up and down. I smile and say “that’s the concealed part”.
    Never had anyone argue.

  6. Good stuff!
    Yesterday I listened to Gov Dewhine mandate who can and can’t attend school sports events.
    “No spectators. Only family and close friends”
    Well who the hell else attends???
    These politicians are so full of themselves with their mandates of who can do what, where, when and how it’s getting downright sickening!!

  7. I download videos like this before they get “lost”. I want to be able to show my grandkids and my new great-granddaughter why they will live in a hell-hole.
    To para-phrase Gen. Patton, Our job is not to die for our cause, Our job is to make the other poor bastards die for their cause.
    Time is running out….

  8. @beachmom – I’ve noticed that the teens seem to enjoy wearing the damn things…making them more colorful and oh so artsy.

    A friend at work gave me a used inhaler, so if someone asks why I’m not wearing one, I show them the inhaler and say I have asthma. So far, they have no response.

    Inhaler – 2, Lemmings – 0

  9. The city of Pullman, Wash. where Wash. State University is located is now mandating that masks must be mandatorily worn at all times or you will face fines or possible jail time if you don’t comply. Pullman, mostly a small farm community in the middle of wheat fields down on the Palouse is dying economically right now, no students at WSU and now this. Thanks a lot Governor Inslee, you prick for basically destroying Pullman and other small rural communities in your quest to keep us supposedly safe from the wu flu.

  10. when you go into places that DONT REQUIRE MASKS, be sure to THANK THE MANAGER.

    Let them know.

    Wearing a mask to prevent a virus is like wearing a condom with holes in it to prevent pregnancy.

  11. I used the line “without a thought and without a fight” a couple days ago on a very lefty person I know, and they about blew a gasket. I’m not sure if they’re ever speak to me again. Probably won’t matter. 😁

  12. When I am in a business, I wear a mask as a courtesy to the business owner. Here in fascist Oregon, Kate Brownshirt is sending out her minions under cover, and fining businesses who’s customers don’t wear masks.

    I get a kick watching the idiots driving alone in their cars wearing a mask.

  13. I’ve said a couple of times when asked to wear a mask that I have a medical condition that prevents it. If I’m ever asked what the condition is, and I decide to give an answer, I’m just going to tell them I have only one lung.

    That’s a lie, but what can they do then? Ask for proof?

  14. @Charlie WalksonWater — I could be wrong, but I think that HIPPA prohibition only covers interactions of a more official/contractual nature, such as an employer asking why accommodations are necessary. I don’t think a store manager asking such a question of a customer is actionable. I repeat: I could be wrong.

  15. People are going to naturally dislike the bother of wearing masks, and dislike the totalitarians that stupidly demand that all HAVE TO wear one – UNLESS it becomes an identity issue, where a disliked group opposes masks – THEN, it will be cool to wear one as another leftist identity flag.

    When something like this happens, people now think of right – wingers : man-woman-charged-with-attacking-teen-sesame-place-worker-in-face-mask-dispute

    It’s a bad look.

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