It’s just an homage to her “toilet baby” husband – IOTW Report

It’s just an homage to her “toilet baby” husband


ht/ jerry manderin


28 Comments on It’s just an homage to her “toilet baby” husband

  1. I find it interesting that the designers who dressed Mooch said they wouldn’t dress Melania Trump.
    Mrs Trump could wear a feed sack and look better than the first Wookie, they weren’t doing a very good job.
    Refuse to dress the first lady, who do they think they are, a cake bakery in Portland?

  2. Between that flat chest, man-like shoulders and arms, and whatever that thing is on her head that she calls hair, that is the most pathetic excuse for a woman I ever recall seeing.

  3. Our new First Lady dresses age appropriately even though she could pull off the immature looks that woman currently occupying the WH wears. And I guarantee we will never see Melania Trump in a sweater worn backwards and a lace tablecloth poking out of the rear of her pants waist.

  4. Looks like you’re in the back seat of a cheap sports car with white interior when all of a sudden two giant boa constrictors and a rabid gorilla start to climb over the seat.

    You can bet people get the fuck out of the way when they see that thing coming. Halloween nightmare.

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