“It’s Just Water” – IOTW Report

“It’s Just Water”

What a dope.

27 Comments on “It’s Just Water”

  1. Well, she’s dressed for a dip and she got her money’s worth with that weave.
    Hoodrats do the craziest things…without thinking. If she had hit her head and drowned, idiot boyfriend would deserve what he gets as punishment.

  2. thousan dolla, shiiit man that like ten years of haircuts in 2019.

    now we talkin bout 3.5 years.

    buuut when money is free cause democrats racism was showing real bad in 2019 so blacks were elevated to kings and queens for lofo progs and gummamint went on a money gush (by the weaponized money printing press), u ain’t gotta pay rent, or any bills for that matter, that just a good day out that ends with an unexpected dunking. And progs racism is worse than ever.

  3. “OMG I could have died!” But did you die? He said he could have thrown you the noose laying there. I’m surprised she didn’t choke herself to death with those weaves.

  4. aircubed Thursday, 5 October 2023, 7:20 at 7:20 am

    Without closed captioning I wouldn’t know WTF they were saying.

    What? You didn’t learn Ebonics in school? I made enough out of the conversation to know she didn’t know how to swim, she was going for a drama award, and she could have died.

  5. That was a dick move by the soon-to-be ex-boyfriend.
    She was right that she would have drowned, did you see the ass-pillows she’s got up in her behind?
    Somebody better get her a MyPillow, stat!

  6. Guy is an abuser, gaslighting (or whatever they call it these days) her after abusing her and then recording her misery on top of it. Hope she did make her own way home and dumped that a-hole.

  7. Don’t be too hard on him.
    I have had the displeasure of smelling one of these.
    They can be foul.
    After spending the kind of money on “grooming” most don’t shower for a week! Maybe she needed a rinse at least.


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