It’s like they can read minds [or something]! – IOTW Report

It’s like they can read minds [or something]!

Marie Oakes
CBS journalist Jamie Yuccas at the Beijing Olympics just said on “The Takeout” that she and her producer were talking privately in Beijing about needing more water in their hotel rooms and then the next day housekeeping brought them 12 bottles of water each.


28 Comments on It’s like they can read minds [or something]!

  1. Proof that most media people are parrots without an original thought in their heads. And if one of them has an occasional original thought, they immediately self-censor and forget it ever happened. If they fail to self-censor, the results can be disastrous. I’m sure Kelli Stavast wishes she’d never ad-libbed “Let’s Go Brandon”.

  2. Why is that weird? Your own government spies on you and private companies. I’ve been a follower of amateur reporters around special events. No journalism school, just a natural talent to seek out news and report it without lying. Lying is something everyone knows how to do – some are better than others….you should already know that about the Chicoms Marie, weren’t you briefed on their tactics?

  3. They used all their water to make snow.

    Never should have been awarded the games anyway, but since they are almost always severe money losers for the host Country:


  4. @billyhall

    I’ve flown all over the world……
    I only drink “tap” water in the US……
    I drink bottled water every where else……
    that includes brushing my teeth……

    It’s only been in the last 5 years……
    that in Europe they have “table” water……
    they used to only serve bottled water.

  5. My wife and I can be having a private conversation about some random product, and when I go to Amazon on my phone, up pops the item we were just talking about. And Siri swears she wasn’t listening. Weird-0-Rama!

  6. She sounds so happy about it. Maybe they’ll offer her those nice padded blindfolds she was talking about in her cell the night before she was marched out to the wall.

  7. I sat down one recent morning at my computer, wearing a Street Rod Nationals T-shirt. About 5 minutes later, I started getting ads that were hot rod related. And yes, my monitor’s camera was not covered at the time. It is now.

  8. If CBS’ Jaimee Yuck-us were indeed a ‘journalist’ she would stop to consider what might lurk inside those bottles of water ?

    May we recommend the Polonium Springs ?

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