It’s Looking Like a Rout in the Works For Midterms – IOTW Report

It’s Looking Like a Rout in the Works For Midterms

Kurt Schlichter for Townhall

Students of military history understand that the real bloodletting starts when the losing side breaks ranks after its formations disintegrate and the cavalry sweeps in to mow down the fleeing survivors. It’s every man for himself, and the best the defeated individuals who were once part of cohesive units can hope for is not to end up one of the bodies left strewn across the battlefield. This is when the victor runs up the score. This is when the vast majority of casualties happen. This is a rout. And that’s pretty much where the Democrats are headed on November 8th, figuratively of course. More

17 Comments on It’s Looking Like a Rout in the Works For Midterms

  1. Kurt is The Man, but I’m less sanguine about the results given the left’s propensity for cheating.

    I look at political cycles the same way as economic cycles. Being around for several bear markets (with the subsequent bull markets to follow) it’s easy to say to oneself, “Seen this before, don’t panic, its the natural ebb and flow”. But it’s different now. We have never had this burden of debt, a government so willing to pay people not to work, this amount of class envy, or an entire generation of potential workers who feel entitled and lack a real work ethic.

    Similar to political cycles. Yes, the minority party usually does well in midterms, but everything is different now. Dead people or people that shouldn’t are voting, at least somebody is voting for them, mail-in and harvesting ballot fraud, votes counted in the dead of night with no supervision, and the courts providing cover for voting irregularities all under the auspices of fake pandemic, a pandemic mind you that is still used to justify the lack of voting integrity.

    I’m glad Kurt is mailing it in, me, I expect shenanigans from the party that artfully practices duplicity like it’s a science.

  2. I still haven’t heard about anyone fixing voting anomalies (it’s not ever called fraud because voter fraud simply doesn’t exist in the USA) that always seem to favor only 1 party. Anomalies favor 1 party so much that math, statistics, and odds no longer work, you know like Biden winning only 3000 counties compared to Trump’s 30,000 counties, virtually all bellwether counties Trump won, and the amount of votes that were counted when polling places were mysteriously shutdown were like 3x more than they were capable of counting in that time and every single vote during the blackout went to 1 candidate. And perhaps the biggest anomaly of all favors the candidate that campaigned on eliminating your rights when he crawled out of his basement about 1 hour per week, so much favoring that he ended up with the most votes in history.

    It’s not fraud though. The GOPe was happy with the 2020 results, and remain content with the anomalies today.

  3. I would prefer the GOP NOT try to impeach Biden, he is lost and will continue to lead the dems down a path of destruction. Let the D’s deal with him. They will need to remove him and that leaves no fall out on the GOP’s part.
    The longer Biden is in office, the weaker the liberals become.

  4. It’s all about the vote counting – and has been at least since 2012.

    Economic cycles aren’t the same as they used to be – and it is entirely because of the Fed, money pumping, and in general the governments trying to control the economy. You don’t control the economy, you let the agility of a system of capitalism respond which is the quickest way. Recessions are getting worse and worse for this reason, and we need to cut out all of the crony capitalism.

  5. Who in their right mind can’t recognize that the Republican establishment has absolutely no interest in a paradigm shift. They like the way it’s set up and the evidence is that without their buy in and active participation (Paul Ryan is exhibit one in that regard) we would not be sitting here wondering WTF.

    They want it to continue on just as it has been, but with them getting a larger share. The simple fact that they have not been on the floor of both houses of Congress vehemently opposing the grooming and using the examples we have all seen is evidence that they are just hunky dory with the status quo, such as it is. You can bet your ass that Pfizer is calling the tune and Mitch McConnell has put the word out that anyone who steps out of line will have all funding cut off.

    This guy is living in a dream world if he thinks that the Republican establishment is in any way going to upset the apple cart. If it comes, it will come from the base and the rout must include the established Republicans or it will come to nothing.

  6. Over the past few years, Dem cheating has been like the Dutch Boy putting his finger in the hole in the dike. Yeah, he can do that a little bit, but when The Wole dike is springing leaks and cracks there is only so much the Dems can do.

    Ol’ Joe has screwed things up so badly that people are really feeling it. They can’t heat their homes. They can’t put gas in their cars. They have trouble feeding their families. The Dodd decision isn’t as hellfire important as the Dems thought it would be.

    There is only so much cheating they can do, and it ain’t going to be enough.

  7. “There is only so much cheating they can do, and it ain’t going to be enough.”

    Really? If they were to announce tomorrow they were calling off all future elections, who would stop them? The FBI? CIA? DOJ? HSC? NAACP? BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA? I know, THE US MILITARY. And the bad thing, our idiot media would cheer them on. Hopefully, we could stop them. But I doubt it.

  8. Yeah, win what?
    The economy’s in freefall, the Armed Forces are a woke joke, the DOJ/FBI are controlled and staffed by Traitors, the CIA and NSA are Treasonous maggots (no change, there), the Capitol Police are Pelosi’s personal Goon Squad, the chinks have bought just as many Republicans (McConnell, McCarthy, and Mittens, for instance) as Demonrats, the “supply issues” will continue to be sabotaged, the Media will still be a wholly owned subsidiary of nihilistic totalitarianism, a vast swath of Americans will still be morons, Academia will still be a hotbed of Treason, Ignorance, and Indoctrination parading as education, and the puppet masters will still be pulling all the strings in the Executive.

    They could drag their feet somewhat, but if anyone is expecting anything courageous, he’s gonna be sadly disappointed.
    Most of the Republicans are rubbing their hands and drooling at the prospect of being in on the BIG Graft – Ukraine and Big Pharma.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. The GOPe doesn’t want to win. They would then have to work. They are happy getting 45% of the graft sitting on their fat asses and sending out fund raising letter because with your $100 donation they can win the next election. Fucking Rinos.

  10. @Rich Taylor October 25, 2022 at 7:16 pm

    > government so willing to pay people not to work, this amount of class envy, or an entire generation of potential workers who feel entitled and lack a real work ethic

    There’s a reason you don’t think Kurt’s a moron.

    I’m not saying it’s a good reason. But, it’s a reason.

  11. @Left Coast Dan October 25, 2022 at 8:44 pm

    > You don’t control the economy, you let the agility of a system of capitalism respond

    Pouty Marxism! It’s what’s for dinner bestest!

  12. @JDHasty October 25, 2022 at 9:27 pm

    > If it comes, it will come from the base and the rout must include the established Republicans or it will come to nothing.

    (sigh) (again)

    The Rules(TM). Always Subject to Change, without notice. Are written (well, Siri’d… writing’s for proles) by those that label you “enemy”.

    Accepting. Playing along with. Mouthing the validity. Of The Rules(TM) of those that label you “enemy”, is the lies you tell your children. While you pimp them to pædotranny pederasts. So they die quietly.

    (shhh… ka. ching.)

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