It’s Louie! – IOTW Report

It’s Louie!

Who remembers Bob Williams and Louie?

Here they are on a Bing Crosby Christmas special in 1965. (No, Louie wasn’t abused.)

18 Comments on It’s Louie!

  1. I don’t know where you found this, but it made my day. I could remember Louie’s name but not Bob Williams. It was funny back then, and it’s still funny. Thanks!

  2. Anon,

    The youtube comment, first out of the gate, LOUIE IS BEING ABUSED!!!

    Couldn’t the idiot commenter go to the end and see that when the act was over Louie pepped up and was wagging his tail? Something he didn’t do once during the act.

    He was taught the malaise act, and he did it perfectly.


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