It’s more difficult and heroic to be a conservative – IOTW Report

It’s more difficult and heroic to be a conservative

As Wayne Allyn Root says, “imagine the difficulty having to sell conservatism versus progressivism on an infommercial.”

The king of the infommercial, Root expanded on his premise.

To sell conservatism you have to talk about self-reliance, responsibility, discipline. It’s like trying to sell the virtues of eating your vegetables while the next channel is selling cake and ice cream that “others” will provide for you.

That’s why when I see this video of Campus Reform interviewing young conservative women, one has to admire how they stick to their principles in the face of so much derision and exclusion. That testifies that you are witnessing someone who has arrived at their beliefs after lots of thought.

Who would wake up and unthinkingly declare they are conservative when it casts you as a pariah in so many social circles?

It behooves the lazy and weak to simply declare they’re a lefty just to avoid all the thinking and the social pressure. Sluggish people gravitate to that party because there is a promise of something for nothing. Stupid people gravitate to that party because the left has created the myth that it’s the party of intelligentsia. So, just by saying you’re a lefty, the intellectually lazy enjoy a certain amount of cred without doing anything except wear a pussy hat.

5 Comments on It’s more difficult and heroic to be a conservative

  1. Hey Fur, I’m at a McDonald’s using their free Wi-fi and surprisingly iotw is NOT a blocked site. 🙂

    I tried the Florida Lottery website and McDonald’s wants to play big brother and is blocking me from seeing the site.

  2. Does my tired heart good to see. I work with several young people that are too smart to fall for the lie of the left.
    It’s sometimes easy to forget that the vast majority of people in this country do not fall for the bovine scatology of identity politics.
    America is still alive and well but you’d never know it if you pay attention to the media.

  3. Goes along with why & how people generally become more conservative as they get older. What they are being told by the Left doesn’t match up with what the real world is showing them. The old Groucho line, “who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?” comes to mind.

  4. OF COURSE its more more difficult and heroic to be conservative.

    Thanks for the vid anyways…the former red pilled Bernie Bro chick was fun to watch, very animated.



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