It’s Morning In America – Wake Up With Woody – IOTW Report

It’s Morning In America – Wake Up With Woody

Cheer’s take on elections.

10 Comments on It’s Morning In America – Wake Up With Woody

  1. Yep, It’s time for a change in the change given us when Obama changed the country and left us with nothing but change in our pocket if we were lucky enough that the change did take that change from our pockets. Let’s change the country and forget about the hope so we can make America great again using nothing more than change all while hoping the new leader will give us change as well as change in our pockets while not causing prices to change such that the change in our pockets won’t allow us to change how we live and buy something more than just a change of inept leaders. I fear the change we seek is not the change we are about to get as some are buying nothing more than change without looking at what that change will actually end changing in our lives and as such this could be a change for the worst.

    Thank you and vote early and often……

  2. couldn’t stand Woody ….. I knew he was dumb when I noticed the character was that same name as the actor … i.e. this guy is actually so stupid that he can’t remember his character’s name, so let’s call his character his real name …. this idiot was type-cast big time
    … truthfully, the only thing good about ‘Cheers’ was Norm & Cliff … everyone else was a total dipwad …. particularly Carla & Sam Studly

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