“It’s none of your damn business what our children do outside of school” – Parent to totalitarian school board – IOTW Report

“It’s none of your damn business what our children do outside of school” – Parent to totalitarian school board


Angered by word of the disciplining of two Lacey High School studentsfor a gun-related social media post, 200 parents, community members and other supporters of the Second Amendment on Monday let the Board of Education know they don’t want the district trampling on their rights or meddling in their home lives.

“You guys are reaching into our private life, the private life of our children,” said one parent, Lewis Fiordimondo, who has twins in pre-kindergarten and a daughter at the high school. “It’s not your place. It’s not the school’s place.”

Another dad, Frank Horvath, whose son is a senior at Lacey High, put things in blunter terms.

“It’s none of your damn business what our children do outside of school,” Horvath told the seven board members toward the end of a four-hour meeting, most of it occupied by speaker after speaker venting anger and frustration at school officials largely unable to respond due to confidentiality rules.

The unusually large turnout for Monday night’s board meeting in the high school auditorium was prompted by a five-day in-school suspension of two senior boys after one of them posted a photo of themselves with guns at a local shooting range, away from school property and not during school hours.


VIDEO of parent’s anger

ht/ fdr in hell

18 Comments on “It’s none of your damn business what our children do outside of school” – Parent to totalitarian school board

  1. They are exactly correct, it’s none of the school’s business what a student does outside of school.

    Of course the left thinks children belong to society….they could not be more wrong, a child belongs to it’s parents

  2. Why stop there: And furthermore, from here on out stick to teaching reading, writing and arithmetic and keep your fucking Utopian statist political bullshit to yourself… if you know what is good for you. Ya’ hear me?

  3. The schools are also the eyes and ears of the Left/State, as well as being the monopoly holding chief indoctrinator.
    Does mommy like to drink wine at night?
    Does Daddy have a Confederate Flag at home?
    Does Grampa speak disparagingly about persons of different races?
    Do your parents ‘make’ you go to Church?

    Hang two administrators from every school, and two members of every school board, and that ship will right itself in no time

  4. The school system in California started this over reach back when my kids were attending. They seem to think the state had authority from the time your kid walked out the door headed to school, until the time he walked back in the door. I imagine it’s much worse now.

  5. Reminds me of the democrat elementary school principal telling students at a assembly to vote for her democrat judge husband – illegal as hell, but ….democrats only care about the law when someone else may be violating it.

  6. For those of you wondering why sometimes during job interviews the interviewer asks you if you have a nickname or was called anything else other than what you are called now- it’s so they can search you on social media. What you say or do on your accounts tells them much more than a manager at a previous job will. LOL.

  7. Involved parents are now a school board’s nightmare.

    Tells you everything about why the social support for single moms and the denigration of dads, in general, is such a popular (and poisonous) move. Single moms cede control and responsibility much easier.

  8. It is behaviour such as this which is causing more people to look to private or charter schools. Here in REgina, Saskatchewan, the local Christian School is building again because of the increase enrollment.

  9. My wifes Christian school, 6-12, has DOUBLED in size in 5 years. Even with paying state taxes for education, people still see the purity, safety, and educational value at her school. (With tuition at 700/month for high school.) they consider education a better value than a bigger house, newer vehicle or boat.

    Your public schools are the result of you being willing to overlook your school board actions by not being involved in your public school. This problem is caused by you parents who dindonuttin. They’ve been indoctrinating your children while you golf, fish or shop.


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