It’s not his supposed lies the left despises Trump for… – IOTW Report

It’s not his supposed lies the left despises Trump for…

Uncle Al says-

All through the impeachment circus, the lapdog media declare that President Trump is a liar, and get highly incensed by the untruthful things he says.  Patel asks:

So is lying really the reason the left despises Trump? Or could the problem be, as is so often the case, the exact opposite of what they claim? What drives them completely crazy are those moments when Trump dares to tell the truth. Think back over the last four years to when the CNN anchors have been angriest. Was it when Trump exaggerated his own accomplishments? No. They are used to that kind of lying from all politicians. What infuriates them is when Trump tells the truth. Truth is the real threat to their power.

He gives us some examples:

  • When DJT said, “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” it was clearly the truth, but the left claims it’s a lie.
  • When DJT said Baltimore is “rodent infested, not to mention a corrupt mess,” it is clearly the truth, but the left claims it’s a lie, and racist to boot.

There’s more, and it’s worth the time to read. – Uncle Al

10 Comments on It’s not his supposed lies the left despises Trump for…

  1. What haven’t THEY lied about???
    The Left is not able to substantiate anything they level against Trump which is why their accusations are largely devoid of any details and when they do produce some “details”, we find out they are fabricated! These projectionists should be in a film festival somewhere!!

  2. We all know the left’s bullshit game. The jig is up.

    All that’s left are the prosecutions and our breaking the companies who have enabled such treason.

    Obama needs to be brought to justice.

  3. One of my employees is a Trump hater, and like all of the Trump haters, he has been bad mouthing Trump ever since it became clear that he (Trump) would be the Republican nominee. Not so long ago, I asked this guy why he dislikes someone so much that he was barely aware of 3 years ago. The employee said ‘He is just such a liar!’ I asked him to give me examples of the lies Trump has told and he couldn’t name one. Not one! He said he would have to get back to me…………still waiting.

  4. They hate him because he is in the seat they thought Crooked Hillary would occupy.
    He takes the best policy choices, leaving their candidates with no preferable options, so they cannot beat him in the next election.
    So they will remain out of power.
    And Trump continues to place more and more conservative judges on the courts, so they won’t be able to go to the courts in the future to get their way when they can’t win legislatively.

  5. “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my “wires tapped” in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!”

    Remember how they scorned him for that?

  6. “This is a witch hunt.” It WAS a witch hunt.
    “Nancy is crazy.” Nancy IS crazy.
    “Ukraine is full of corruption.” Ukraine IS full of corruption.
    “CNN is fake news.” CNN IS fake news.

    …and on and on…

  7. If we had the unfettered opportunity to create the perfect foil for this country’s leftists I don’t imagine we could’ve created anyone more effective at completely flustering them. They have absolutely no idea how to deal with him. They’re running around like a stirred nest of ants.


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