It’s Not My Hijab – IOTW Report

It’s Not My Hijab


University of Wisconsin students are participating in a “Hijabi for a Day” event that’s designed to spread awareness about the Muslim headscarf and counter “islamophobia.”

Students across campus donned hijabs last Wednesday – becoming what’s known as hijabis – as part of an event for Islam Appreciation Week put on by the University of Wisconsin Muslim Student Association and the Wisconsin Union Directorate Global Connection, the Badger Herald reports.hijab-girl

According to the news site:

During “Hijabi for a Day,” the women met in the morning to receive their head scarves and also get assigned a texting buddy, who wears a hijab on a day-to-day basis.

Farhat Bhuiyan, one of the organizers of the event, said one of the main goals is to normalize Muslim female practices.

UW-Madison Professor Anna Gade, an “expert on Islam,” quoted the Quran as an impetus for the outreach.

“I think that ‘Hijabi for a Day’ is really in the spirit of what the Qur’an says when it teaches its readers that people of diverse backgrounds and identities, including Muslims, should ‘get to know one another’ (Qur. 49:13),” Gade said in an email to The Daily Cardinal.

The event, however, seemed to backfire as some students who witnessed their non-Muslim classmates in hijabs accused them of cultural appropriation, Bhuiyan told the Herald.

“I got some looks,” said sophomore Anna Ambros, who participated in the event. “I’m sure they were wondering why I was wearing a hijab because I never had before. I’m not a Muslim.”


When are we going to have “eat pork for a day” ?

Soon, right?

ht/ annie

32 Comments on It’s Not My Hijab

  1. “Farhat Bhuiyan , one of the organizers of the event, said one of the main goals is to normalize Muslim female practices.”

    Sounds like they need a “BigFurHat” intervention.

  2. ““I think that ‘Hijabi for a Day’ is really in the spirit of what the Qur’an says when it teaches its readers that people of diverse backgrounds and identities, including Muslims, should ‘get to know one another’ ”

    And then we’ll behead them.

  3. Something groundbreaking would be for a man to wear a hijab.

    Sounds like something Milo would love to attack. Can you imagine him in a full face cover hijab giving a speech at a university.

  4. National Pork Ribs, and Pulled Pork Sammich Day!
    BBQ Muthurf***er Do you speak it?
    Wear your greasy apron proud.
    “I got some looks till I started handing out sammiches. Then I got thunderous applause”

  5. If they really want the students to get enriched with the traditions of islam, they should pick the kid who most represents Western values and let all the other kids take turns sawing his head off with a goat-skinning knife.

  6. The University of Wisconsin-Madison … Van Hise is the third-tallest building in Madison and one of the tallest educational buildings in the world.

    —“Throw a homosexual off the Van Hise Bldg. Day”.

  7. I’m at a loss to find anything to “appreciate” about Islam.

    Oh wait. They are going with the first definition of appreciate.
    “Recognize the full worth of”

    I could appreciate Islam only by the second definition.
    “Understand (a situation) fully, recognize the full implications of”
    If their aim was to appreciate the implication that Islam’s goal is to either force them to submit to sharia law, or kill them. Then their event might have some worth.

    They should ask the people at OSU about Islam appreciation. If they aren’t going by the second definition, they’re the Walking Dead.

  8. Wear a cross day is scheduled for….?

    Throw a gay off the roof day is…?

    4 wives practice day is…..?

    Marry off your 6 old? Genital Mutilation day? Kill a Jew day?

    Getting beat up day for property, I mean , women?

    Goat sex day?

    Camel urine drinking day?

    Bunch of useful idiots. They should have the Koran and hadiths read to them until they get the true message of Pisslam.

  9. Flood the campus administration with complaints (in your best mid-eastern accent) about “cultural appropriation”. Spice it up a bit with progressive babble-speak, veiled threats and conclude with allahu akbar!

  10. Next year is Dress Like A Mutawwi day where men in dresses and sandals go around with sticks and beat women immodestly dressed or w/o a male relative guardian. Gang rape is optional.

  11. Good Lord! When will Muslims carry a cross to express their tolerance for Christians? Or wear a Star of David in honor of alliance with Jews?

    Why the hell are these stupid social activists so blind that they don’t realize that TOLERANCE is built into our system, or you would only see one ethnic or religious group EVERYWHERE! Piss off.

    It was the ACLU and social justice types that started the movement to release non violent mentally I’ll people from mental institutions. THEY were the beginning of the homeless debacle. Never think a problem through, never see the ripple effect of their actions. Social Jackass Warriors.

  12. As an alumnus of the University of Wisconsin–PLATTEVILLE, I resent it when the news reports some leftist BS out of UW-Madison as, “The University of Wisconsin,” as if there were only one. Like the CSU and UC systems on the Left Coast, there are a dozen Universities of Wisconsin, each one different. What would UC Santa Barbara alumni say if the news said something happened at UCLA as “The University of California,” as if there was only one?

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