It’s Not Okay To Be White – IOTW Report

It’s Not Okay To Be White

31 Comments on It’s Not Okay To Be White

  1. “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

    Martin Luther King, Jr.

  2. “Ebony and ivory
    Live together in perfect harmony
    Side by side on my piano keyboard
    Oh Lord, why don’t we?
    We all know
    That people are the same wherever you go
    There’s good and bad in everyone
    We learn to live when we learn to give each other
    What we need to survive
    Together alive”
    “Ebony And Ivory”, Paul McCartney

  3. Mr. Adams claims to be a former supporter of BLM. Either he’s not so sharp, or that’s one of those “see, I like negroes” bona fides similar to “Some of my best friends are negroes.”

    Seems to me he just stated the obvious.

    Not familiar with his comics but Free Speech ain’t so free, anymore.

    Whatever happened to: “I may not agree with what you say; but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I agree with Scott Adams 100%. Stay away from blacks, stay the hell away white people. Duh Scott, we didn’t have a single black family in the town I grew up in. They all lived on the other side of the hill, and they had a bad reputation. White people just didn’t go there, and we all got along just fine. Not so much when they whipped our butts in football.

    We learn to live when we learn to give each other
    What we need to survive
    Together alive”
    “Ebony And Ivory”, Paul McCartney

    We learn by giving people who aren’t white their space – we have ours. That’s how we survive, together alive, in our own separate space. It worked for my town growing up.

    Scott Adams got cancelled for telling the truth, he went further on the blacks than he did on his jab stance. Looks like we won and Dilbert lost. Tears….. It ain’t going away Scott, just you are.

  5. Read history, that was written close to the time the events occurred, or at least written pre 1970, and learn something. Have some respect for those who were there at the time. They were just as smart and in many cases smarter than you are. Just because we have better technology doesn’t mean anything good about smart, it makes it easier for stupid people to get by is all. The pictures were in black and white but the people lived in color. And that’s just very recent history, believe it or not, there was a really long time when there wasn’t such a thing as photography. Then one of the locals dreamed it up.

    Adams cites a survey and the commies pig pile him, like they did Musk, whom they used to love, as a ray-cissst. Is the poll racist? Or are the respondents racist? Or the commies who shriek about Adams?

    When my son was entering teen age I gave him ‘the talk’. I explained to him how black people individually can be fine, decent, upstanding people, that most blacks are, just like everyone else. Then I explained that if he finds himself in a situation where most of the people are black he needs to very carefully and quickly get himself away from there as the rules we live by no longer apply when blacks are the majority, and he doesn’t want to learn their rules the hard way. All self respecting white men will have this kind of talk with their sons and daughters unless they live among a lot of blacks and have learned their rules already.

    Is that racist or simply self preservation? Review the statistics and read some history.

  6. The State of Maine govt is training its employees to hate being white.

  7. Some will point out the small sample size of this poll.
    I say a true sample size will be much, much worse.
    And let’s not be cagey with “OK to be White” phrasing bullshit.
    They hate Whitey. Just say it.
    A truer sample would likely show that 80% of blacks hate White people.

    In the original poll, the 20% or so that said they “weren’t sure” were just being ambiguous about it.
    What the fuck do you mean you aren’t sure if it’s OK to be White?
    Good Lord!

  8. Diversity-“A house divided cannot stand”-a quote from Jesus Christ. He also said in Matthew chapter 24 that in the last days nation (ethnos) would rise up against nation (ethnos). 0bama’s “If I had a son…” on steroids.

  9. I was talking to a good friend of mine who is black and an undertaker. He lamented that he couldn’t cope with how blacks are killing each other in his community. He almost had tears in his eyes.

  10. It’s OK to be white in my neighborhood.
    It’s also OK to live in million dollar homes in a gated community.
    And the few black people who live in places like that don’t seem to be the same as the ones you see on the news, either.

  11. I’ve been crunching the numbers on reparations, and once you subtract 100 years of bicycle thefts alone, you actually owe whites approximately three trillion dollars.

  12. This is less about skin color and more about socioeconomics. If you live in an upper-middle-class neighborhood with intact families, mortgages, and all the trappings of capitalism, racial animus is minuscule. It is only in the big blue-run cities, where the white libs stoke the hatred, they ply their racial grievance politics to foment division. It is in these environs that white people rightly so should fear for their safety and well-being.

  13. This “It’s Not Okay to be White” moment in history is brought to you courtesy of the same people who brought you Diversity, Inclusion, and Multiculturalism.

    I said it before, during the George Floyd riots and the rise of BLM; MLK is now officially the champion of White Americans. He is ours now.

  14. Very, very NSFW used repeatedly that is forbidden to White people, but a Black man made this so it’s OK. Just keep the volume down.

    ht tps://

  15. Don’t like white people?
    Quit using shit invented by white people … like glass, electricity, cars, internal combustion engines, paper, television, radio, computers, roads, clean water, pumps, air conditioning, plumbing, flush toilets, bathtubs, showers, heat pumps, gas fired furnaces, wire, telephones, satellites, penicillin, houses with floors, concrete, incandescent lights, LED lights, heroin, refined cocaine, meth, tables, chairs, surplus agriculture, pasteurized milk, baby formula, pistols, rifles, ammunition of all sorts, grocery stores, bodegas, 7-11s, Walmart, Dollar Stores, sidewalks, rain water drainage systems, asphalt, sewage treatment, &c., &c., &c.

    Fucking hypocrites.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  16. Adam’s was not wrong, just too general. He should have made an exception for functional suburban predominantly black communities whose residents are working class. Yes, they may have shady hoodrat relatives but they try their best to keep them low key or away from thier communities.

    On the other hand, black urban blue territories should be avoided at all costs. That means everyone that is not a hoodrat.
    Even black people with good sense, I’m one of them, knows better than to enter a leftist war zone occupied only by black hood dwellers.

    A little background. I grew up in a predominantly white city in a middle class family in the Midwest. I am much more comfortable dealing with white people than I am with black people, especially those in the urban lower class. I have learned to adapt – something white people would have difficulty doing.

    As you can guess, lower class black people considered me an Uncle Tom, too white. I almost got beat up because I was “too white”. I was ready to defend myself against the black mob ready to “dust” me, but my grandfather came to the rescue.

    BTW, white people never insulted me or called me the “N” word, at least not to my face. My parent had prominent occupations and had white friends and acquaintances. So as you can see, I have nothing in common with the hate whitey crowd. I have no patience or tolerance for the insanity the black leftist controlled hoodrat has brought on themselves. God is the only one who can fix them. They are incapable of self correction.

  17. Also, I live in a neighborhood where I’m surrounded by million dollar homes, some right next door and across the street.
    I’m not a millionaire, just fortunate to live in an old, originally white middle to upper middle class neighborhood now renovated by gentrification (not really a bad thing).

    It’s so safe, wealthy residents walk their dogs at night, have opened venues, restaurants and specialty stores zoned for business and their children attend private schools in the area and walk home after school.
    You bet I’m benefiting and overjoyed about where I live. I am very safe living where well-to-do white people live – just a fact.

  18. ^^^Oops…”parents”. Grew up with a dad and mom in my home. Something else hoodrats don’t have that contributes to their destructive lifestyles.

    This thread has touched a nerve. Sick of these stupid leftard stunts.
    Please Note: White Demwits and black volatile leftist tools are the only ones surrendered to the “Hate Whites” mantra. Everyone with common sense should keep away from both groups as much as possible.


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