It’s not the “Don’t Say Gay” Bill, It’s the “Anti-Grooming” Bill – IOTW Report

It’s not the “Don’t Say Gay” Bill, It’s the “Anti-Grooming” Bill


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ main spokeswoman ruffled a few liberal feathers on Sunday after she suggested the Parental Rights in Education bill could fairly be called an “anti-grooming” bill.

The bill at issue would prohibit teachers in public schools from discussing issues of sexual orientation or gender identity with children in grades kindergarten through three. Under the bill’s language, local school districts could opt to block those topics for older children as well.

The bill passed the House last week, and is set for consideration by the Senate on Monday.

Critics have dubbed it the “Dony Say Gay” bill, and it has inspired protests and student walkouts around the state. It was even featured over the weekend in a segment on “Saturday Night Live,” which, not surprisingly, slammed the bill.

On Sunday, DeSantis’ spokeswoman Christina Pushaw tweeted, “The bill that liberals inaccurately call ‘Don’t Say Gay’ would be more accurately described as an Anti-Grooming Bill.”

1 Comment on It’s not the “Don’t Say Gay” Bill, It’s the “Anti-Grooming” Bill

  1. Gay – happy; carefree

    Faggot – pervert; homosexual; pederast

    We should not allow THEM to control the language.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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