It’s not the Government’s money!!! – IOTW Report

It’s not the Government’s money!!!

Patriot Retort: Honestly, I just do not understand why socialists cannot get it through their thick skulls that the wealth in America doesn’t belong to the government.

But they simply do not understand it.

Take MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, for example.

In an effort to come to the defense of Bolshevik Barbie’s completely embarrassing Daily Show interview, Hayes tweeted out this.

I think a good answer for “How will you pay for your agenda?” is “We’re a very rich country. We’ll figure it out.”

Of course what Chris doesn’t explain here is that in order to pay for things, the Government – which creates none of this “rich” country’s wealth — has to take your money.

America’s wealth belongs to those who create it and earn it – not to the government.

It’s not the Government’s money.

How hard is that to understand?

And as soon as the Government takes that money out of the economy, the economy will collapse. more

9 Comments on It’s not the Government’s money!!!

  1. Once again, we have people who have no real-world life experience doing anything that would merit listening to them on issues of substance. Wonderican Woman worked for Teddy Kennedy’s office doing what? Her qualifying experience is that of a bartender and lover all things socialist?

    Question: How is she paying for all the travel, hotel, and airfare (or should we say, who is paying for her besides JP Morgan Chase and a few other deep pockets)?

    They want to see Trump’s taxes, well let’s see her earnings since she got out of college to demonstrate her ability to navigate the one of the world’s largest economies. Trump has and it’s called 4.1% GDP growth.

  2. I learned years ago that Obama had all the money.

    What? He didn’t? I thought he was going to fill eryone’s gas tanks and buy us phones?

    Well obviously not me, duh. I’m a hokey dokey cracker.

  3. Many voters don’t seem to understand that government only likes to generate new taxes and spends most of it on anything they think is good for someone other than those who pay the taxes or some new project that is loaded with government jobs. Of course that’s great for those with a government job and government retirements. Too bad it isn’t so good for the average tax payer. Until voters find out that the system isn’t quite what the politicians tell you it is, nothing will change but the increase in Taxes and the politicians paycheck.

  4. Do you accept Federal Reserve Notes? Do you transfer “funds” through the Federal Reserve system? Do you count your “wealth” in Federal Reserve debt?

    That’s not your money! (You fecking imbecile!) Maybe you’re Hahvahd Smaht, and can school me on it’s being “Not the government’s money”, either. Now, that I cower, before your madrassa, are you any wealthier?

    If you mark your life by Twitter likes, you don’t own Twitter. No matter how many “likes” they say you have. Today. For now. If you agree that you “own” it (whatever, all ever, “it” is) it’s not yours!

    Get over yourself, snowflake.

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