It’s Not Trump Supporters Who Are Beating Journalists – IOTW Report

It’s Not Trump Supporters Who Are Beating Journalists



DC: Numerous journalists are worried sick that President Donald Trump incited violence against them during his raucous rally in Phoenix last week.

The New York Times published an article reporting that Trump’s claim reporters are “sick people” shook the media.

The article noted several journalists who claimed the president was going to get them murdered due to his comments. The very apparent concern among journalists led Times columnist Nicholas Kristof to author a sanctimonious piece declaring, “We’re Journalists, Mr. Trump, Not the Enemy.”

With all the worry over Trump supporters coming to kill them, it may come as a surprise to the press that some of their colleagues were beaten and harassed over the weekend by the president’s most violent opponents.

At two different demonstrations in the California Bay Area, Antifa made sure that anyone who recorded their activities and looked like “Nazis” would face serious consequences.

On Saturday, a man simply recording a demonstration by leftists against a cancelled pro-Trump rally resulted in protesters surrounding him and forcibly taking his phone from him.

He had to plead he was just a reporter and that he was definitely not a Nazi in order to persuade organizers to try to retrieve his phone.

Worse things happened for a photographer at the Antifa riot in Berkeley the following day.  As black-clad anarchists swarmed the city to attack anyone they thought might be a Trump supporter, they set their sights on a cameraman for the offense of taking their picture.




MEDIA CRITICISM: WaPo Gives Stunningly Accurate Account Of Antifa Attacks On ‘Peaceful Protestors’

14 Comments on It’s Not Trump Supporters Who Are Beating Journalists

  1. let us see, journalists constantly distort, fabricate and attack Trump and now they want to play the victim card. Listen up assholes, you started this shit throwing contest, stop bitching when ya get a little on you.

  2. Give it a little more time and a few more hot summer weeks and they’ll light each other up to a point of no return. Americans, far and wide, will sit back and enjoy the show. Trust me, they can’t help themselves. They’re all mental.

  3. What shows the left – and the media’s – total ignorance and belligerent disregard for history is found in their support for antifa because it’s anti fascist.

    The rest of the story is antifa is, and since its appearance in Germany in 1932-ish – has always been is a violent, terrorist totalitarian communist group. They are from the “pure” Marxist school that says utopian communism (socialism) can only come from a violent overthrow of government and killing all who oppose them.

    Fascists – the Italian and German version of socialism (national socialist party or nazi for short) believed this same take over and totalitarian government can be accomplished more gradually through elections.

    So you have the equivalent of the crips fighting the bloods in a turf war and the media deciding the crips are good guys.

  4. The media is siding with the anarchist anti law and order factions.
    The media should not be surprised when their violence gets out of hand.
    The media is so dishonest, though, they’ll blame us for the violence imparted upside their heads by their anarchists.

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