It’s Now Crucial to Understand What We’re Up Against – IOTW Report

It’s Now Crucial to Understand What We’re Up Against

Freedom First Press

Patrick Wood – “I wish there was something else to talk about, but this is it,” Wood says. “This is the topic of the day. This is what people need to know and understand.

If we are going to fight back against this enemy, which previously has pretty much been unseen, we must recognize who we’re dealing with. Period. We cannot provide any defense or offense to push back on this unless we know who the enemy really is and what they’re thinking, what’s in their head.”

Unfortunately, to quote Wood’s coauthor of previous books, Anthony Sutton, only 2% of people have critical thinking skills, 8% of people think they can think, and 90% would rather die than think.


  • It’s become absolutely crucial to understand what we’re up against, globally, and who’s responsible for the rising totalitarianism and their ultimate intention
  • The COVID pandemic was a coup d’état by the technocratic cabal that is behind the global takeover agenda, referred to as The Great Reset
  • The Great Reset was introduced by the World Economic Forum, which is tightly coupled to the United Nations and the World Health Organization. Their agenda is to implement a global type of totalitarianism based on technocratic and transhumanist ideologies. Part of that plan also includes reengineering and controlling all life forms, including humans
  • While the outward expression of technocracy will appear as totalitarianism, the control center is not an individual. Rather than a single person ruling by the decree, technocracy relies on control through technology and algorithm. This is a very important difference. In short, there will be no individual to blame or hold accountable. The “dictator” is an algorithm
  • Technocracy is an invented and unnatural form of economics that expresses itself as totalitarianism and requires social engineering to work. Technocrats in the past defined technocracy as the science of social engineering. Controlling the populace is crucial for the system to function


18 Comments on It’s Now Crucial to Understand What We’re Up Against

  1. Let’s review:

    The Global Elites think they have figured everything out.

    They have not.

    They are risking the very destruction of the civilization they wish to control.



  3. @jellybean June 18, 2022 at 4:48 pm

    > The number of ‘leaders’ in this country that continue to allow the sabotage of America had to be bought off or blackmailed….or both.

    In honor of this prideful weekend, I’m going to mash-up Occam’s shaver.

    Let’s say, you’ve decided that you want to share your monkeypox. With somebody. With millions (in The United States, hundreds of millions) of people to choose from, do you:

    Pick some random Rambo, and keep offering “him” more, and more, and moar! money? Until “he” says “yes”?

    Do you find some desperate dude? And buy some dirty dirt. And “force” him to submit?

    Or do you, with all the money the first would require, or (let alone, and) all the pre-placed hive workers the second would require, just find somebodyanybody… that really, just wants your monkeypox. (I’ve read bug chasers are real. This isn’t even a challenge.)

    The government (whole. singular.) is doing what they’ve been doing… because that is… well let’s be euphemistic, and call them, “who”… they are. That is why they are the government. That is why the rules are subject to change without notice. So things like them, can continue achieving, regardless of a black letter reading of The Rules(TM), what they were enthroned to achieve. All of them. Or they wouldn’t be there. No conspiracy needed. No repair possible. It. Never. Was.

  4. “…* While the outward expression of technocracy will appear as totalitarianism, the control center is not an individual. Rather than a single person ruling by the decree, technocracy relies on control through technology and algorithm. This is a very important difference. In short, there will be no individual to blame or hold accountable. The “dictator” is an algorithm…”

    First off, I admit that I did not read the article beyond the “Story-at-a-glance” bullet points. But based on the one that I have highlighted, I have a problem with it’s premise.

    This premise states that there is a no-name, non-individual, inanimate computer program that will control our lives. While this may be true in application, SOMEBODY has to implement, oversee and control this algorithm. Thus, there is an individual or individuals who are accountable and responsible for the totalitarian control. The key is to identify the human(s) responsible for using the technology to destroy our humanity.

  5. “What We’re Up Against”

    The FBI, CIA, DOJ, U.S. Marshals, Homeland Insecurity, pretty much name any Federal Agency and they’ve been polluted. And now our Military. And yet we have the edge,if we get organized.

  6. “Kill them all … let God sort them out.”
    “Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.”
    (Kill them. The Lord knows those that are his own.)

    It’s the only way to be sure.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. putin is going to end up saving western civilization from the globalists. it’s a hell of a thing to wake up one day and realize that you’re against everything your government stands for

  8. @ontoiran June 19, 2022 at 4:22 am

    > putin is going to end up saving western civilization from the globalists

    Putin is human. He won’t live long enough.

    Nor is Putin interested in The Free West(TM). Though he is humanity’s only hope. (I hate to get all messianic, but he is the only one on the side of humanity, that holds, multiple, “projectable” atomics at his personal disposal — a prerequisite. If you’re personalizing “it”.)


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