IT’S OFFICIAL. I’m running in 2024 and I can’t lose. – IOTW Report

IT’S OFFICIAL. I’m running in 2024 and I can’t lose.

42 Comments on IT’S OFFICIAL. I’m running in 2024 and I can’t lose.

  1. His qualifications could be he plays golf.
    When I first started golfing someone asked me what my handicap was.
    I had no idea what that meant
    So I said
    “I’ve never played before”

  2. NOW it’s the “Russians” fault The Hag lost the election?
    oh puhlease….
    These “Russian” people did what? COME ON! They were active on social media? SO ARE MILLIONS OF OTHER PEOPLE and we all did not want HagBag to win …..
    What “the prosecutors” are saying is that 90% of Americans cannot think for themselves and are easily manipulated AND at the same time try to turn public opinion against Russia

  3. Can I be your special prosecutor after you win? I promise I’ll find plenty of stuff that points back to Democrats – which I will ignore – and I should have lots of time left over to interview porn stars and former Playmates of the Year.

  4. Suggestions:
    Bad_Brad – National Security Advisor
    Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk – Secretary of Fscking with Democrats
    Vietvet – Director of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, Explosives, and Puns
    Moe Tom – White House Outrage Coordinator
    Claudia – Animal Photo Tsar, and White House snark advisor

  5. This is actually a great idea. But you need to run for President of Mexico. Should be an easy win because all the Mexicans are up here. We install our new Government, and the pull the old “Mouse that Roared” routine. (hard to believe that concept was put on film in 1955). We get conquered. The U.S. rebuild Mexico and continually send money our way. Wada ya think.

  6. I’m formally applying as ‘Bitch Slapper General’. New cabinet position which visits department heads and slaps the dog shit out of them for the smallest constitutional violation. The slaps will be delivered in a formal setting in front of their entire staff.

    The department head may avoid the slap by resigning on the spot and forfeiting all post employment benefits. But. The slap has not been discharged. Senior staff that wants the head position will have to submit to the Bitch Slap delivered with my large, bony, strong pimp hand. Then their name will be submitted to the Senate for conformation.

  7. Just two, Mary Poppet .. Ivana Humphimov and Ikhana Sakhimov …Бопьшая Шапка should also consider hiring Anton Jekhov and Ivan Betinov and of course the phlegmatic one, Hackingkov

  8. That Russian name is, of course, Big Hat (Bolshaya Shanka) in Russian. Big Fur Hat is a tad cumbersome in Russian, (Jack Duggan has it right)

    Ushanka wont exactly cut it. That means ear-flap, accd to Google Translate, but you know how biased Google can be. I suppose it could mean a hat with ear flaps.

  9. @Callmelennie (at 9:05 pm): When I copy and paste “Бопьшая Шапка” into Google translate, it comes back with “booty hat”, so I’m assuming it’s pink.


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