It’s Okay To Call People NAZIS in Germany Again – IOTW Report

It’s Okay To Call People NAZIS in Germany Again

For the longest time Germany did not like to invoke the term NAZI any longer. But it’s back. Who are the NAZIs?

How about a Dad who tells the story about how his son was murdered by a migrant? THAT’S the new NAZI in a country that had actual NAZIs who exterminated people by the millions.

Voice of Europe-

In 2017, Markus Hempel, a 30-year-old man, was assaulted by African and Syrian migrants. He was hit by several punches in the face, fell over and hit his head on the pavement. He died a few hours later.

The alleged perpetrator is a 17-year-old Syrian who entered Germany in 2015. But the public prosecutor’s office determined at that time that the Syrian acted in self-defence against a xenophobic attacker.

Marcus’s father filed a complaint for denial of justice against the Chief Prosecutor FOlker Bittmann. The father also participated in a rally on Saturday where he reported on his sufferings, as he lost his son just a year ago.

But counter-demonstrators showed up, a group of Antifa and migrants, and booed him calling him a “Nazi”, which can be heard in the video below.

Participants of the rally reported that “the Bavarian Police let the counter protesters disturb the rally without intervening”.

9 Comments on It’s Okay To Call People NAZIS in Germany Again

  1. I am in an online trading room with a Swede and a German. Last week they got into a discussion about the upcoming Swedish elections and the protests in Germany over uncontrolled immigration.

    While both men are strongly opposed to uncontrolled immigration and, as they put it, “the murdering rapists”, they both labeled those speaking out against immigration as alt-right and Nazi.

    I asked them which side was Nazi – the citizens opposing uncontrolled immigration or those insisting on opening the floodgates despite what was best for the country.

    They both insisted the Nazis were the ones most vocal in their opposition to the murdering rapists.

    The Swede insisted he knew this because his wife is a reporter.

    It’s amazing how the globally controlled media labels what we would have called “patriots” 10 years ago exactly the same: alt-right Nazis. It’s amazing that so many people accept this unquestioningly, even when their best interests and way of life are being represented by the “alt-right Nazis”.

  2. World Wars 1 & 2, then socialism, did a bigger job on the minds of Europeans than Hiroshima and Nagasaki did on the Japs. Their minds and spirits are broken. Have been for a long time.


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