It’s Only 9am and We’ve Got 2 Naked Guys Posted (this one is alive) – IOTW Report

It’s Only 9am and We’ve Got 2 Naked Guys Posted (this one is alive)

Please explain-

21 Comments on It’s Only 9am and We’ve Got 2 Naked Guys Posted (this one is alive)

  1. I know who that is!!! It’s Humper Biden, he’s working out his body shaming issues. Dr.Jill advised him on how to overcome his crack addiction and body shame, and he took to the streets.

  2. @Redgrandma – I figured something like that.
    Alcohol, sex and moving vehicles are a bad combination. Parked vehicles, on the other hand, now that’s a different story.

  3. LOL!! So much crazy to unpack. What is this guy on or has he taken crazy to another level? Looks like he “terminated” that truck before deciding to go commando. Once he got used to being naked in public, it’s logical only to him, the clothes he was carrying no longer had a purpose.
    BTW, California man is in good physical shape. He probably “pumps iron” on a regular basis or just has good genes. Guess he had no use for jeans you wear. Funny and disturbing, butt at least a crocodile isn’t dragging him down the road.

  4. This thread is an example of “be careful what you ask for”. On the croc parading its naked prize around thread, I said I was going to go look for a train wreck. So Fur produces the next best thing – a car wreck – and lo and behold, another naked body. I’ll be more careful from now on.

  5. Wild Bill, thank God the streaking fad came and went in a naked flash about 1974. Two of the Officers from my squadron VF-114 streaked across the flight deck of the USS Kitty Hawk buck naked wearing only their boots and their flight helmets with our squadron Aardvark on the helmets with the visors down so no one could recognize them supposedly. They streaked across the flight deck in a flash with everyone on the deck cheering them on and laughing as they flashed by. Nothing ever came of this skylarking (that we know of), but it did break up the ice and everyone had a good laugh amongst the all-male crew of the Kitty Hawk. And my friend who had been kicked out of the Navy for drug abuse streaked thru the S. Hill neighborhood of Lincoln Heights in 74 also but he was an idiot and luckily didn’t get caught. What next, swallowing goldfish, stuffing a phone booth full of people if you can find phone booth anymore, seeing how many people you can cram into a VW beetle etc. Disco anyone? People are such amusing idiots at times.


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