It’s Only a Matter of Time – IOTW Report

It’s Only a Matter of Time

Kurt Schlichter for Townhall

 is clear that PINO (President-in-name-only) Joe Biden is going to get impeached. I didn’t think that was true until recently, not because he doesn’t deserve it – he massively deserves it – but because Republicans are generally weak. Impeachment is hard, and at the end of the day, he won’t be removed from office anyway. But there’s too much evidence out there now to avoid it. The GOP simply cannot explain to its base how it turned over this rock o’ graft and ignored the wriggling worms underneath. So, the House will eventually impeach him, but only barely, because some Republicans are weak and because every single Democrat absolutely supports the PINO’s complete and total corruption. More

34 Comments on It’s Only a Matter of Time

  1. Does Biden deserve to be impeached?

    Most definitely.

    Unfortunately, it is getting to the point that whenever a new President is elected, Las Vegas will be giving odds as to how long it is before he (or she) is impeached.

    That is a sad state of affairs.

    Hopefully there will be enough good people in the Democratic Party that will work with conservatives (I certainly do not count RINOs) to clean things up.

  2. Wrong,
    He will step down due to health issues right before that happens. Already in the works. And when Trumps re elected hopefully he burns the bastard corpse on live TV.

  3. People who step down have some dignity, however small.

    Narcissists have to be dragged out kicking and screaming.

    Biden, like Brad & others have said, will have an excuse made for him. That excuse will also give the Demos the excuse that, He was fine & then something happened to his brain”. He did not represent our ideals in the end. COMPLETE BULLSHIT!

    I hope Kunter OD’s in the Shitter at a High End Steak House in DC & they find him with a needle stuck in his vein.

  4. The Big Guy will resign around next 4th of July. My wife will become the first woman President and pick Gavin Newsom VP. My lovely wife will pardon the entire Biden family. And I become First Gentleman. I can’t wait! PS take it to the bank 🏦!

  5. Trump is going down in the polls like your mother swallowed my ten inches last night. She gagged a little. I bet she kissed you on the lips this morning. Hows my dick taste?

  6. The sad truth is boys, he’s probably not a U.S. Citizen. Probably some undernourished little China man. In the long run, I guess that’s not sad. But I’ve been around, pretty sure he knows what my dick taste like. LOL

  7. If we learned anything from Trump’s tenure, it is that the federal bureaucracy IS the federal government. The President doesn’t run jack shit. Congress is clearly run by lobbyists who are run by globalists. Their only job is to make the naive proles believe that their opinions matter (They don’t.) and that the government gives a fuck about them (It doesn’t.).

    Both parties are fully invested in keeping their US$ scam going for as long as the rest of the world is willing to put up with it… Which is less and less and less with growing speed now.

    They may impeach President Poopy Pants if more stuff comes out, but it won’t matter. The Senate will definitely not convict because they’re a pack of prize cocksuckers now. They’ll keep him in office if for no other reason than to say a big “Fuck you.” to the law abiding public. And the news media will be happy to rub that L in everyone’s faces.

    And, BTW, the next election will be stolen by democrats in few view of the public, and they’ll laugh openly about it. Just watch.

  8. All theater; all the time.

    You can’t vote your way out of tyranny – once you’ve stuck your head in the noose, there it stays – once you get on the train, there’s only one stop.

    Sad, but true.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. If the DOJ weren’t corrupt then impeachment would not by only symbolic.
    As soon as articles of impeachment are introduced to the entire House another made up indictment will be brought against Trump.
    The article is right about people who only get their news from the old media.
    I have friends I thought kept up on things but then after spending a week on vacation with them found out they aren’t. And they don’t really care to know.
    I mean I even had to explain “Let’s Go Brandon” to them.

  10. “The President doesn’t run jack shit. Congress is clearly run by lobbyists who are run by globalists.” -TheMule

    Ding ding ding! Thread winner.

  11. Damage is already done. It matters not that they impeach him, it’s only for historical books. Biden’s presidency, and Trump’s failures have hardened me against politics in general. I’m sitting back and watch it all crumble.

  12. So RDS is on record as saying that those J-6er’s that were violent and committed crimes should be prosecuted? Get outta town.

    RDS is on record saying J-6 was NOT an insurrection.
    RDS is on record as saying if elected he would prioritize pardoning “victims” of “political targeting,” potentially including the defendants involved with the January 6 attacks on the capitol;

    Laura Loomer is a nut job, do not give these folks oxygen.


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