It’s Over. It Was Great While It Lasted. Poll finds Trump would lose in 2020 against literally any Democrat. – IOTW Report

It’s Over. It Was Great While It Lasted. Poll finds Trump would lose in 2020 against literally any Democrat.

Trump has NO SHOT being a 2 termer according to pollsters who also predicted Hillary would win the presidency.

One would think that participating on the wrong side of the biggest “WE TOLD YA SO” in American history would shame people into fading into the background forever.

Nope, just 17 months later, the idiots are back making proclamations, without any self-awareness, as if their words aren’t as valuable as diaper dirt.


Poll finds Trump would lose in 2020 against literally any Democrat.

A Politico/Morning Consult poll finding 36 percent of of voters support Trump while 44 percent would support a Democratic candidate in the 2020 election regardless of who he or she is.

That already puts Trump eight points behind his opponent. One fifth of respondents were undecided in the matter.


Politico. Behold! The Sages—->



26 Comments on It’s Over. It Was Great While It Lasted. Poll finds Trump would lose in 2020 against literally any Democrat.

  1. They were that wrong TWO days before the election and I am going to believe them this far out? But I like seeing these polls because it keeps our side fired up.

  2. The age of astroturfing has come and gone. Many people are wise to the fact that many polls and “fact checks” come from false authorities more interested on molding public opinion and distorting facts than in reporting public opinion and showing objective facts.

    At this point, they’d have better luck saying Trump was a shoe in for re-election while using left wing info channels to drive the left vote to the polls, hoping pro-Trump voters would stay home out of complacency.

  3. How wonderful! This is as smart as ordering Picket to charge after seeing the results of Fredricksburg. Keep it up libtards! Give the Low Information Voter every reason to sleep in on Tuesday 2020 and instead of going to the polls just roll another doobie and wait for the news that Utopia starts on Jan 20th 2021.

    If their goal is to get the masses so upset at what they know will be a Trump victory as to create mass civil unrest even better. The “arms are for hugging” crowd will then have a better understanding of the 2A but it will be too little too late.

  4. I hope every democrat of legal voting age sees this poll and realizes they can stay home binge watch “A Handmaid’s Tale” or go on pre-election celebration binder that day in November.

  5. A wise (not so) old sage reminded me recently to “never underestimate the enemy.” They are not stupid. We just need to figure out their game plan.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  6. Well now, I guess with them having the election locked up already, that explains why the Dems are so low on their fund raising. Why throw money at a sure thing?

  7. YES!!! And the recent election in Texas turned that state BLUE! I just love these scare tactics. Especially since the left seems to think ANYONE believes them.

    Hey, Politico, there is lakefront property for sale in El Mirage, CA. You can probably get a great deal.

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