It’s Pretty Clear Why Obama Wouldn’t Have Fared So Well Against Donald Trump – IOTW Report

It’s Pretty Clear Why Obama Wouldn’t Have Fared So Well Against Donald Trump



DC: Politico’s Bill Scher unceremoniously yanked the one remaining leg out of President Barack Obama’s stool in a Wednesday op-ed that described Obama’s prospects had he run against President-elect Donald Trump.

Obama claimed in a Monday interview with CNN’s David Axelrod that his ground game would have gotten out the minority vote such that he would have surmounted Trump’s election efforts in 2016. Not so fast, Scher wrote, because Obama’s dream falls apart amid a wash of black activists who voiced disappointment in his presidency during the run up to the election.

11 Comments on It’s Pretty Clear Why Obama Wouldn’t Have Fared So Well Against Donald Trump

  1. The Left always disavows its failures.
    We’re seeing now the first Lefty criticisms of their Chicago Jesus.
    There’ll be much more. Lots of resentment among the Hard Left that he did not go Full Stalin and abolish the 2A, seize all guns, etc.

    There will be surprisingly little Lefty pushback if Hilary is indicted.
    I’d like to see the IRS go after Obama with a tax bill for the $85 million in unprecedented unauthorized mega-vacations.

  2. “alienate black voters…” They voted, of those that did, 88%! for Hillary. If whites voted in that large a percentage for Trump, The NYT would still be screaming what a racist party the Republicans are. Yet in this article Obama is decried as not REgressive enough to have won even more then 88% and somehow less then 100% of blacks voting for one person isn’t an issue. Whoa.

    It’s this constant denigration in every thing you read in the left dominated media, from the sewer culture in Hollywood, in our educational system(?) and on REgressive sites, that seeps into our subconscious making out what white people do as evil and minorities as sainted.

    Blacks can vote 88% for one candidate and no eyebrows are raised. Columbus Day can be turned into a joke. Confederate monuments are vandalized. Fake hate crimes are daily reported and excused. Congressmen can claim to hear people screaming nigger go home. On & on it goes and even here, on a conservative site, it seems most are in denial.

  3. 0bama’s true legacy will forever be the question of who he actually is and where did he come from?

    Everything he has touched or said, including “lady look like a dude Moochle” has a sense of off-colored wrongness about it.

    Hopefully history may answer these questions or it’ll be like the Bermuda Triangle.

  4. Obama is so accustomed to being coddled by everyone for being a well spoken half black politician he wouldn’t have known what hit him if he had run against the Donald. Trump would have shellacked him good! Wouldn’t have been close!

  5. To see the real Hussein Jug Ears, just jam the TelRprompters on his next public speaking event. He cannot coherently link one sentence with the next sentence. He is the biggest NON_JOKE ever foisted on America. All because of his skin color and Soros’s string pulling. Some have been played as dupes for 8+ years. America finally awoke. Now Jug Ears needs to run for the hills.

  6. Got to remember that all the ‘elected’ D’s are just lowlife bag men for the ‘investors’. I wouldn’t want to be obama or clinton right now. Why do you think they keep doubling down on the Russians-hacked-the-election? They better come up with an excuse that sticks — if you know what I mean.

  7. Obama thought Hillary was going to win. He didn’t see anything wrong with her campaign that would spell defeat.

    Again, he thinks he is some messianic figure whose very presence is magical. But actually he is a just a loser who could only make it in the criminal world of the democrat party. Everything he did is as sand.

    He did run in 2016. He was all over the place campaigning. He did lose in 2016.

    Everyone knew that with Hillary would come Obama too.

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