It’s “Really Clear” Paul Ryan Is A POS – IOTW Report

It’s “Really Clear” Paul Ryan Is A POS

Washington Examiner

Former House Speaker Paul Ryan slapped down assertions that former President Donald Trump lost in a fraudulent election, saying it is “really clear” President Joe Biden beat him fairly.

“President Trump lost the election. Joe Biden won the election,” Ryan said in an interview with Milwaukee ABC affiliate WISN. “It was not rigged. It was not stolen. Donald Trump lost the election. Joe Biden won the election. It’s really clear.” More

30 Comments on It’s “Really Clear” Paul Ryan Is A POS

  1. Says the guy who actually lost to team Obama.

    Paul, your own state just confessed to loosing 82k ballots and Biden only won by 2ok. That is “reasonable doubt” regarding the election results in Wisconsin pal.

  2. Never trust someone who married into a libtard family. I honestly though don’t know why anyone gives two shits what Paul Ryan has to say, he never did shit as a congressman, he sucked big time in a debate with braindead Biden. He resigned because he knew he was going to get his ass kicked to the curb even with cheating.

    His in-laws love him though.

  3. Just like biden* saying Mitt Romney would put blacks “back in chains” and Mitt still sucking biden’s* ass, biden* was a total prick to Ryan during the VP debate in 2012 and Ryan is sucking biden’s ass as well.

    To think I voted for those worthless pricks!

  4. Getting fooled and being a fool are different. One is forgivable, the other is not. If you’re already a fool, your chances of being fooled are low, particularly if you’re surrounded by people who have no intention of trying to fool you, which is the case here.

    I don’t fool people. But I am willing to point out fools.

  5. This is the genius that let Biden laugh his way through a VP debate and never laid a glove on him. I’d hide in shame if I were him, letting a certifiable retard wipe the floor with me on live television.

  6. To “hard core” conservatives it was clear Ronny hater Paul was a POS 19 years ago. I plead guilty!

    A rich, liberal liar from the get go! A NWO, Americans last, “globalist” since 2000!
    Alwasy was leftist; will die a leftist.


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