It’s the 2 year anniversary of cocoa mug boy – IOTW Report

It’s the 2 year anniversary of cocoa mug boy


22 Comments on It’s the 2 year anniversary of cocoa mug boy

  1. Employee provided health insurance cancelled.
    Obamacare exchanges going bankrupt.
    Health Insurers leaving the market.
    Obamacare deductibles too high.

    Talk about supporting a Cruz/Trump or Trump/Cruz ticket.

  2. How you ask? By being given an award for just showing up. By being told he was a special snowflake when he is just another nameless, anonymous drip in a sea of libtards. He is in this pose because he still thinks the cheerios and milk magically appear without comprehending his parents toil away during the day to earn the money then actually go out and buy them for this clueless libtard. Lastly, he and others like this cretin are like they way they are because their libtard parents never made them grow up.

  3. Sad. Very sad… think about it folks – this nation on its current trajectory could not build another atom bomb, or land on the moon. It cannot even get a website to work for insurance our “leaders” deemed we needed to pay for for slugs like this. I pity the youth of today – more concerned about social trends than being able to fend for themselves. Young men that cannot even change a tire on their car, or check the oil and coolant levels. We are supposed to celbrate idiots like this? Pishaw! There needs to be a serious cleansing of the gene pool. Uslelss idiots like this will have a hard time with the marxism they profess to want so bad. Because if they serve no use to the state, they are just a resource drain on the state and will be dispatched as human garbage, or used as cannon fodder for the invading mooslime hordes. Rant mode off now.

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