It’s time to end Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s farcical fishing expedition – IOTW Report

It’s time to end Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s farcical fishing expedition


So, now Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, is going to look intoDonald Trump’s past financial dealings (and his tax returns):

Bloomberg reported Thursday that investigators are examining Russian purchases of apartments in Trump buildings, Trump’s involvement in a New York development with Russian associates in SoHo, the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow and Trump’s 2008 sale of a Florida mansion to a Russian oligarch.

The 2008 sale of a Florida mansion has nothing to do with the original mandate of the investigation to look into the supposed collusion between the Trump team and the Russians in 2016 to “hack” that year’s election. It is another expansion of his jurisdiction, just like Mueller’s investigation of the potential prosecution of ousted National Security Advisor Mike Flynn, and the potential obstruction of justice case involved in the firing of FBI Director James Comey.

Not that anyone in the Washington, D.C. swamp objects to any of this. Instead, they swear, almost in unison, to Mueller’s great honesty and integrity.

But in the real world, where I, and the vast majority of Americans live, the Mueller investigation continues to be suspect.

Consider the following facts:

Mueller’s initial investigation was originally a counter-intelligence investigation, and not a criminal one. This is unprecedented for special counsels. Prior to this, special counsels were only appointed when there were credible allegations about an actual crime. For that matter, if the investigation is (still) centered on counter-intelligence, why is Mueller spending so much time and money recruiting big name attorneys, rather than intelligence experts?  more here

16 Comments on It’s time to end Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s farcical fishing expedition

  1. Apparently everything DJT has done has been illegal, the Russians have been behind his success. and he has been an agent of the KGB since birth – anything else need to be said?

    Deport him and get over it.

    Meanwhile the Clintons and the Obummers have colluded with at least two foreign governments to sell nuclear bomb materials AND influence elections and no one cares. Go figure the odds of that happening.

  2. Apparently everything DJT has done has been illegal, the Russians have been behind his success. and he has been an agent of the KGB since birth – anything else need to be said?

    Deport him and get over it.

    Meanwhile the Clintons and the Obummers have colluded with at least two foreign governments to sell nuclear bomb materials AND influence elections and no one cares. Go figure the odds of that happening.

  3. Mueller is fighting like a sewer rat to find something to stick to Trump. If Trump is successful it means that Mueller’s and many others corruption will be laid bare and they will face legal consequences. His future is riding on it.

  4. The appointment was made to appease the rabid socialists (of both parties).

    We know (from Munich in ’38) that appeasement doesn’t work.

    It didn’t work in ’38, it didn’t work when Nixon saddled America with the EPA, and it didn’t work with the appointment of Mueller.

    Why can’t we learn?

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. THIS is why Trump is disappointed with Sessions and has every right to be. Sessions was in the Senate long enough to know the left’s corrupt playbook and who directs the play. He let this happen and has continued to let it go on without making any effort to hold Mueller and the swamp creatures to the letter of the law.

    Mueller is in violation of the statute on special counsel. He is disqualified to head this investigation but Sessions turns a blind eye while the swamp mounts its seditious overthrow of a duly elected government.

  6. This entire farcical investigation of Russian collusion was concocted by Obama’s team in order to malign Donald Trump during the election. It will not lead to any evidence that Trump was elected because of Russian collusion, but it is having an effect on Trump that is even more self destructive than Obama and Clinton could have ever imagined. President Trump’s response is playing into his sworn enemies’ hands. If he fires Sessions or Mueller, it will make Nixon’s Saturday Night Massacre seem like a great idea. Nixon was guilty as hell, and he fired Cox in a foredoomed effort to sidetrack the Watergate Investigation. Sessions has a great number of friends in the Senate, and they are not going to support Trump if he fires Sessions. It will make some of them believe Trump really has something to hide from Mueller.

  7. Parable: I was pulled over for speeding while driving the speed limit. The officer who pulled me over claimed I was speeding, but I stated I was not. I was arrested for obstructing justice. Just like Martha Stewart and so many others, no crime was proven but my denial was a cover up.

    This is what Mueller’s team will find since they the will not find the Trump family committing any other crimes.

  8. Mueller is actually in a tough spot: If he finds some little thing that is used to disrupt Trump’s Presidency, the torches and pitchforks will come out – people will take to the streets.

    If he doesn’t, then he puts more stink on Democrats for raising the Russian Collusion issue in the first place. No torches and pitchforks, but no more DC Circuit parties and rubbing elbows with the smart set.

  9. Why does everybody pretend that no constraints whatsoever can be put on this fucker, and firing him would merit the death penalty? Somebody needs to break this mass hallucination by firing his ass and letting the chips fall where they may. This ain’t Watergate, and Trump is not Nixon. I think PDT would rather be defending his firing of Dickbag Mueller in court, than bending over for an unjust and illegal Inquisition for three years. I’m sure it’s been War gamed.

  10. Rather than look into the possible purchase of a condo by a Russian, how about looking into the selling of Uranium One to a Russia-connected company that bought 20 percent of the US uranium reserves with SOS Clinton’s approval…..and the quid pro quo donations to the Clinton Foundation that flowed afterwards. This is real and documented and illegal, but she skates.

  11. It’s a race between Mueller finding something for the deep state’s coup or the Trump admin getting information out of the DNC IT guy caught while fleeing the country. This is the guy who had access to the DNC email. No hack was required. Dump the files directly to disk. Hand it to WikiLeaks. DNC finds out. Has an “OH Shiite” moment and concocts the whole ‘Russia Did It’ hoax to divert attention from proof of their malfeasance. If this comes out Mueller’s witch hunt is no longer required.

  12. They still have not closed the case on the Zodiac murders in San Francisco from the late ’60’s. I think Mueller should look into that. Where was Trump when those murders occurred?

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