It’s Time To Start Including Today’s Leftists Whenever Anyone Cites the Past Murderous Left-Wing Regimes – IOTW Report

It’s Time To Start Including Today’s Leftists Whenever Anyone Cites the Past Murderous Left-Wing Regimes

You’ve heard it before. Someone will tout socialism and we’ll counter by citing the misery and murder of past notorious leftist leaders, speaking about it like these things happened long ago.

Why? The left is causing misery and murder TODAY.

Look at Europe. They’ve invited in murderous savages to live amongst the civilized world, and it’s been a horrendous contributor to human suffering.

Zero Hedge-

Homicide and crime rates – including sexual assaults, and knife and gun attacks – continue to rise in the United Kingdom,with 90% of recorded offenses not ending in charges.

report published last week lays bare the shocking numbers – crimes resulting in charges sat at 11%, with the percentage falling two points in just a year to 9%; down from 15% in 2015.

Since March of this year and the 12 months before, only 443,000 crimes out of 4.6 million recorded resulted in charges.

Notably, the number of recorded crimes rose by 11% to 5.5 million offenses – the highest level in over a decade.

Earlier this year, the homicide rate in London overtook New York City – with knife attacks rising by more than 30%. Although crime rates are surging in the U.K.,officer numbers in London have hit a record low.

As it stands, fewer than 1 in 10 of recorded crimes result in a charge, doing little to abate fear that England is undergoing an epidemic of violent crime.

“High-harm” violent offenses involving weapons have soared – with knife, gun, and homicide rates rising rapidly.

Official figures reported by the Office for National Statistics detail that – even excluding incidents with multiple victims, such as the terror attacks in London or Manchester – homicides rose 12% from 74 to 701 in just the span of a year.


It’s time to add the leftist world leaders of today to the list of the notorious whose policies culminated with death and misery.


8 Comments on It’s Time To Start Including Today’s Leftists Whenever Anyone Cites the Past Murderous Left-Wing Regimes

  1. “Trump” should propose a multimedia program, and call it something like VoA, to really make a splash/scene, in order to expose more people to truths about globalism, socialism, and other evils.

    It will be tough to get info behind the idiot curtain.

  2. An Interpol study before leftists stopped publishing crimes by race determined that the biggest predictor of crime, particularly violent crime, was darkness of skin. Not poverty, lack of education, discrimination, racism, density of housing.

    Closing one’s eyes to truth doesn’t make it go away.

  3. The people of London, like those of NYC, want a left wing Muslim to lead their city, knowing what kind of governance they will get. They are really too weird to explain.

  4. And remember..The Left has control of the definition of words…A Nazi was a national Socialist. The right actually is poor at organizing because they are individuals who believe in individual freedom and are usually working to pay taxes to the Left so cannot afford the time off to ruin a nation..

  5. It’s a shame that they never have an instant negative consequence to their idiotic impulses, Like when you insert a paperclip in a wall socket. They are thick headed and stubborn as mules but pain is very instructive.

  6. To concede “good intentions” to the left is a grave mistake. “Progressivism” is a death cult that worships innocent human suffering, misery and death.


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