“it’s time to stop, Children WTF?” – IOTW Report

“it’s time to stop, Children WTF?”

The first night of the DNC convention will probably be remembered as an endless blame Trumpfest, but what sums up the embrace of violent rioting, coddling of the deviant and complete lack of awareness on the left will be this masterpiece of a train wreck brought to you by old washed up California hippie, Stephen Stills, destroying his 60s radical anthem, “For What It’s Worth” with a glammed-up Billy Porter on vocals.

It has to be watched to be believed. Here

Be sure to read the comments, before C-Span turns them off.

23 Comments on “it’s time to stop, Children WTF?”

  1. The comments are, well, the comments are…

    IOTW needs to do a direct mailing to every one of commenters on that video post. That’s some great writing right there!

    “This looks like something they would air in Gitmo to torture the inmates.”

  2. Cheap pandering to the Black community. The D-RATz are trying to sell them more Hope & Change snake-oil while more and more Black people are wizing up saying “Go sell crazy somewhere else, we’re full up here!”

  3. “I am struggling to put food on the table. I see cities burning. I feel ignored and forgotten.”

    DNC: “That’s nice. Watch a multi millionaire man in a dress sing a bad cover and dance to Marxist talking points.”

  4. So the collage kids who grew up listening to Buffalo Springfield and never got their revolution grew up and became politicians. Now they are using their positions of authority to dupe college kids and old ex-radicals like themselves to throw a revolution against- fill in the blank – Whatever you are mad about, especially United by the pandemic….the TDS pandemic that is.so they use a good old protest song but totally ruin it!

  5. “No capes”
    There needs to be a campaign commercial with rioting and looting going on in the background with this song.
    “There’s a man over there, with a gun in his hand, telling me I’ve got to beware, of black lives matter.”

  6. There’s something happening here . . .
    . . . We’re controlling everyone through fear
    . . . Everybody’s turning queer
    . . . I think we’re drunk on beer
    . . . I’ve been insane for over a year

  7. A few thoughts on watching that:

    1: Only Black lives matter. Actually, Black Lives Matter, the Marxist ideology. In other words, other races don’t matter – AND WE’RE LOOKING AT YOU LATINOS.

    2: The song is telling people to stop, look around, and think. Last thing the Dems want is for people to think. In fact this song was originally released in December 1966 – if it made people think then they probably voted for Nixon since he won convincingly.

  8. This just goes to prove that old hippies never die. The last time I checked the 60’s ended 51 years ago when I was 16. Most of us grew up but there’s still a lot of aging baby boomers that somehow think Stephen Stills is still relevant. Gimme a friggin break, I don’t want to live thru a repeat of that time like it was deja vu all over again, once was enough. And it could’ve been worse if Neil Young who hates Trumps guts was on stage with him. Abigail Adams, to paraphrase Firesign Theater they need more pep pills. Stupidity kills!

  9. Loved this comment:

    DNC Staffer: Are you sure this is a good idea?

    The DNC: We managed to convince people that riots are peaceful protests and that Trump is stealing mail boxes. They will believe anything we tell them.

    And this one:

    At this rate, Mexico will be building a wall.

  10. Crosby Stills and Nash- they sounded great way back when and need to shut the fuck up now.

    Sounds horrid and cringe. So cringe that I may just wince out of existence without properly preparing myself.


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