It’s Time To Sue, Sue, Sue…Did I Mention Sue? – IOTW Report

It’s Time To Sue, Sue, Sue…Did I Mention Sue?

CD: Time Article Shows Information Operation Is Blown…The People Know…Now Deep State Scared Of Legal Consequences.

The Information Operation against the American people is blown.

Now the beast is worried, very worried, about being sued into oblivion.

Money is all they care about. Or should I say…money and power.

The article in Time magazine yesterday essentially detailing the information operation that was conducted against the American people, outlining collusion between media, corporate entities, Silicon Valley, the U.S. government, and foreign actors is an admission of guilt, an attempt to spin away the legal consequences.

It won’t work.

The American people are now ‘woke’…seriously f’ing woke…and VERY angry.

Joe Biden is an illegitimate president. Kamala Harris is an illegitimate vice president.

They are busy destroying the country, inflicting monetary damage on millions of Americans.

Election fraud is very real, and it will eventually be detailed in a court of law, not just on patriot self-produced videos. more

25 Comments on It’s Time To Sue, Sue, Sue…Did I Mention Sue?

  1. Prior to the election, the candidate himself confessed to fraud on national television. He bragged about the most massive election fraud in history. Nothing came of it. Nothing will come of this.

  2. I know it seems like “yeah, yeah we heard it all before” and now it all in the open and nothing will happen. BUT Don’t give up. I’m praying they are burying themselves with their stupidity. Pray everyday!!! Pray for good vs. evil. Pray everyday! It means so much.

    God Bless us all!

  3. @Frank Bass – actually, he said JUST the opposite BUT was GASLIGHTING us at the same time.

    In other words? He was lying and bullshitting to his constituents, but not you and me…

  4. @Anymouse – me neither. I have ENOUGH pillows…

    But I HAVE thought about it…just to support the guy.

    What about a nice king size comforter for ya?? :>O

  5. Mary Hatch — I LOVE the way you think!!!

    Here’s the deal: John Adams wrote about our form of government and he was succint and clear about how it would work IF we remained a moral people. He didn’t come right out and say we *had* to be Christians, but C.S. Lewis has since articulated what is obvious to practicing Christians; that all that is good, true, beautiful and just is grounded in the Holy Bible, God’s Word and plan for his people. So, cutting to the chase: We MUST get ourselves right with God Almighty in order to hold on to this rarest of countries. God’s plan for us is that we are a free people. Whenever you hear someone speak of “church reform” it means you and I; the church — the body of Christ. I’ver never been more serious about this topic — one on which I have been praying about and intensely focused for the past four years. God did not appoint Trump in order for us to have a thriving ecomony or to build a southern border wall. He appointed Trump to remind us of his grace and that there is a price for our freedoms — our obedience.

  6. I agree. Let me know when anything comes from this revalation. The oligarquey is in entrenched and the swamp critters have no natural preditors. Kind of like an invasive species. By the way I have purchased some “My Pillows and they suck!!

  7. I will show GREAT interest when the Republican Party stands up, shows US they have BALLS and begin to act like they want to save this country.

    I am hoping for the best while expecting the worse.
    AND…if needed, call me….I have a weapon with ammo.

  8. So, I read the Time article…

    It’s intended to be a smug self-congratulatory verbal champagne toast for the left.
    It struck me more like corroborating evidence for the Navarro Report.

  9. I don’t see a knight in shinning armor riding to the rescue.

    That tells me that WE THE PEOPLE have to stand against the ‘Deep State’ which seems overwhelming but in reality they only number about 400…..500 max.

    Pretty small number when weighed against 75 million plus.

    AND….as corrupt as they are—they KNOW they cheated, lied and are totally in the wrong, one of the many reasons they hide behind the National Guard.

  10. AbigailAdams – Thank you for your kind words. And guess what, I LOVE the way you think, too!!!! Believe it or not I only learned a short time ago to really feel whole, you need to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and once you do, it will make the world of difference. It is so important to pray and have faith that God working hard for us. You are correct, it’s not about the economy or the border. God brought those great men together for a reason to create the constitution and this country. They knew God had a hand in it and went from there.

    Never give up on this country and God. Pray every day. It has been gone for far too long. And look what happened!!!!

    God Bless us all!

  11. Viva Frei die a very good job ripping the TIME article to shreds and how Big Buisiness, Tech, Socialists united un-democratically to ensure a democratic election of totalitarianism.

    He is expressing very well what we, and conservatives, are having trouble getting fence sitters & common folk to understand.

    Needless to say, It is a very dark day when they rub our noses in the silencing of free thought.

    Good luck, god bless, and lord help us.

  12. @ Jelly

    I never would have thought this but it may be time for Red states to leave the union as up here for Alberta, Saskatchewan and northern Ontario to fuck off and leave. PEACEFULLY.

    But Fuck Off and feed yourselves, get your own energy, and motivate your own ass sitters to get dirty and WORK you lazy fucks WORK!

  13. I like my MyPillow. It’s the 29 dollar model and it is fine.
    It is apparently a foam pillow that is cut into chunks that can be molded a bit. You have to try it awhile and then if you have only a cheap plain foam pillow once then you will really notice the difference, at least I did. I miss the commercial where Lindell is talking to the people from inside their medicine cabinets as I currently have no TV and haven’t for the past two years.

  14. @KCIR

    I definitely used to think the same way but realized those bastards would not settle for such a thing.

    They could never exist without the working people, that would be us, that provide the cash flow for their endless expenditures.

    So-much-so that without our financial input they would wither on the vine.

  15. If lawsuits were of any use in dealing with this Crime Of The Century than the fraud would have already been overturned by the courts and Trump would still be POTUS. The left PROVED that they OWN the judiciary when EVERY SINGLE LAW SUIT that was filed to prevent them from STEALING the election was squashed by the judiciary. No….looking to the courts for a remedy to this crime is NOT the answer.

  16. John Roberts. This life long liberal has kept the evidence
    “under the rug” for months. Will do so forever. To say the Deep[State is in fear is at best wishful thinking; at worst just plain dumb!
    John Roberts, like his boss Bush, hates Don!
    Time is just rubbing our noses in the shit!

  17. With 35M people in Canada, if 15M US conservatives move to Canada, combined with the approximately 15M conservative living there, we own it within 3 years.
    We install a new government and explore a new constitution.
    Turdeau is sent to Hollywood to live with prince Meghan.
    Within the span of ten years, the interior US (The flyover deplorables) will notice us and ask to join, creating the United States Of North America.
    That will leave the coastal enclaves to descend into the shitholes they wanted us to live in.
    Eventually, when they’ve had enough reality, we might allow them to join in.
    Every one together again, and then some.
    Except Quebec.
    Fuck Quebec.
    Make them speak English, stop trying to secede, or send the French Quebecois back to France.

  18. My Pillow™ + John Roberts = gnomesayin?

    Does anyone really believe the narrative re Justice Scalia?

    “Don’t! Stop!”
    Communists don’t stop and won’t stop, come on people!


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