It’s times like these that convince me I’d be thrown off of Twitter again – IOTW Report

It’s times like these that convince me I’d be thrown off of Twitter again

I’d be gone from Twitter again after I gave this dumb bint a piece of my mind.

Listen, STUPID. It doesn’t matter where the guns come from, it matters where the murders occur, YOU DUMB BINT! How does the murders with illegal guns stay relatively low in other places?

Guns are inanimate objects. Someone has to animate them. Who is doing the best job at that? Tell me… you wall-eyed idiot.

I think it’s my charm that got me bounced.

ht/hot salsa

23 Comments on It’s times like these that convince me I’d be thrown off of Twitter again

  1. So, I guess all the shitty people who actually commit murder just live in IL, because if it were the guns, then the states where the guns came from would have just as big a problem as Shitcago, right? Shitcago doesn’t have a gun problem. It’s got an asshole problem.

  2. “Keep our name out of your mouth”……. Ummm, I am not really sure what that means.
    Chiraq is filled with homicidal maniacs and I hope they are annihilating each other.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. Well, speaking for the state to Chicago’s east, it ain’t OUR fault! Too many nihilistic (look up the word if you need to, ya moronic mayor!) brown and black people who just don’t give an f about life – not theirs and CERTAINLY not about the life of those around them.

    Margaret Sanger, LBJ and Robert Byrd are smiling & high-fiving from hell.

  4. I was arguing with some dembeciles the other when a Woman butted in

    and said “Hey little boy…crawl back to putin” I responded with

    “If You’re on FB posting…Who’s doing the Donkey Show at 10?”

    Immediately got PM’s saying “Watch Your mouth that’s My Mom”

    I responded with “Don’t crowd the plate if Ya don’t like chin music”

    I shouldn’t have used Baseball lingo on unamerican commies.

  5. I guess the gangs who run Chicago should buy locally.

    She’s acting like the criminals who are an organized voting and muscle bloc for Shitcago politicians wouldn’t find ways to get guns from wherever.

    As I have said before, Fast and Furious was a deal to give the Sinaloa cartel weapons and a chance to run. their drugs to the gangs in Chicago to distribute them.

    That is who Obama sold automatic weapons to and today Sinaloa is responsible for 80% of Chicago’s drug trade.

  6. Ted Cruz:

    Stopping violent criminals – prosecuting them and getting them off the street – BEFORE they commit more violent crimes is the most effective way to reduce murder rates.

    No, sir. Wrong. The most effective way to reduce murder rates is to increase defensive firearm use rates. The ideal death penalty is for the intended victim to shoot and kill the armed assailant on the spot at the time of the assault.

    Of course to enable that remedy, pols would have to stop infringing on our right to keep and bear arms and our right to self-defense. The current infestation of pols could never do that, so they need to be got rid of.

  7. Great job there dumb ass canoe licker. You just told all those Obama sons to keep killing each other because you blame all their crimes on out of state republicans. Naw, there’s nothing wrong with black gang bangers executing each other!

  8. If this moron’s statements are true then it should be easy enough to compile a list of firearms purchased out of state that were used in crimes.
    I’m still waiting!!!!!


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