It’s tough to nail down which of the democrat candidates is the dumbest – try this tidbit out for size – IOTW Report

It’s tough to nail down which of the democrat candidates is the dumbest – try this tidbit out for size

ht/ petrus

17 Comments on It’s tough to nail down which of the democrat candidates is the dumbest – try this tidbit out for size

  1. The DOI says all men are created equal. It doesn’t say all women are created equal, but even if it did ‘equality’ doesn’t mean ‘the same’. Men and women AREN’T the same.

    I think Swallow-well’s trying for the coveted “I’m Dumber Than AOC” award. He can’t even pander to the woman vote correctly.

  2. He may win Most Sanctimonious Pandering category. He’s certainly in the hunt for all around Dumbest but he faces an uphill battle against a world class field of dumb. It would be an upset I think.

  3. Idiots like this pop up in the democrat party constantly and the last few years have produced a bumper crop. My theory is, just as with mushrooms, they flourish because of the particular growing medium.

  4. The (Our) Constitution constrains the government – NOT the citizens – so there’s no point in mentioning men, women, fags, retards, Freedom lovers, Freedom haters (Demonrats), perverts, pederasts, lesbians, frogs, bananas, cripples, dwarrow, or any other specific designation.

    You’d think this moron would understand that simple fact – but then, he may be disingenuous – in fact, he just may be a fucking liar – a dissembler to confuse the easily confused.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. It also doesn’t mention old bastards like Lazlo that hang around all day waiting for some dickweed like Swalwell to come along and fuck with my rights, just so I can run him through with a boarding cutlass.


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