It’s Very Difficult To Separate Actual Leftists From Satire – IOTW Report

It’s Very Difficult To Separate Actual Leftists From Satire

This guy is a satirist. He clowns the left.

But how far off is he?

10 Comments on It’s Very Difficult To Separate Actual Leftists From Satire

  1. Lock Down, Elections. He was far to transparent to be confused with the Libtard Borg. They think they’re clever.
    Having said that it’s pretty damn close

  2. The “distance” between this guys points and the actual current position of the sinistrocrats are all the same. His satire would work better if he started of just a little more authoritarian and gradually worked his way to full-bore totalitarian, e.g. “We will have to kill you if you won’t take our medicine.” He had a semi-clever idea and didn’t take it very far, but I’ll grant the difficulty of satirizing the extreme.

  3. Could’ve fooled me into thinking this wasn’t parody. The closer we get to the election and the more Dems realize locking Donald Trump up isn’t going to stop him, the louder these calls are going to get.

  4. The only thing he left out was a few, very limited exemptions to vax and lockdown requirements for essential government workers such as all legislators, their staffs, elected officials, appointed staff of public agencies and their families, and recent immigrants

  5. Whenever and wherever I hear the royal we I know I am in the presence of an aspiring tyrant. Every single time. Progs are practically defined by their collective usurpation of other people’s lives and rights.


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