It’s with sadness that we report the loss of a dear reader’s husband – IOTW Report

It’s with sadness that we report the loss of a dear reader’s husband

Riverlife Callie lost her husband today. He was a longtime reader, like her, but never commented. He was a good man.

From Callie-

He was the father of seven children, all of whom adore him.  He lived a life of hard work, and kindness.  Even the people at the nursing home where he spent his last days made it a point to come up to me and tell me how much they cared for him.  He was their favorite.

I was his second wife and we both always felt so blessed to have found each other.  He was the finest husband any woman could ever ask for.  He overlooked all my faults and foibles and supported me unconditionally.  Even though he was ill (perhaps because of it), he insisted we move from our home to XXXXXXXXX because I have no children of my own, but I have other family here.  He did this even though it meant being farther from his own (adult) children.  He just wanted to be sure I had people to support me.


Rest in Peace. You were a gentleman, selfless and sacrificing. A great American.

Our heartfelt condolences Riverlife_Callie.


55 Comments on It’s with sadness that we report the loss of a dear reader’s husband

  1. My love to you and your family, Riverlife Callie. Nothing is sweeter than having your best friend in life being able to overlook your faults. He sounded wonderful.

  2. You certainly are Blessed, as was he.
    Heartfelt Prayers and comfort to you and your extended family.

    “Fides, Familia, Amici”.
    Faith first and foremost, Family second only to Faith, Friends above all else that remains.

  3. It’s been a tough year for RC.
    If anyone recalls I did a portrait of a man and his beloved dog that logged thousands of miles in his truck with him.
    A short time after the portrait was completed the man passed away suddenly.
    RC was good friends with the very same man.

    Here’s to better times.

  4. I’m sorry for your loss Callie.

    Absolve, we beseech Thee, O Lord,
    the soul of Thy faithful servant,
    from every bond of sin,
    that being raised in the glory of the resurrection,
    he may be refreshed among the Saints and Elect.
    Through Christ our Lord.

    Please Lord, put your Loving Arms around Callie and her loved ones.

  5. Riverlife Callie, I’m so very sorry for the loss of your husband. He sounds like a wonderful guy and a great life mate. Praying for peace and comfort during this time.

  6. Dear Riverlife Callie, Please accept my most sincere condolences. Your husband must have been a wonderful man. I wish I could give you a hug. God bless and comfort you.

  7. What a wonderful man – I am so sorry for your loss, Callie. May God bless you and keep you, and I hope you take some comfort in knowing you will be with him again in the next life.

  8. Your life was made richer because of who he was, without him you wouldn’t be where you are. Lots to be thankful for there.
    but, he would have lived longer had he posted, that’s what Fur tells us.

  9. My heart breaks for you. Your husband was a wonderful, loving soul. May your memories sustain you and provide peace in this difficult time.

    In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

  10. All your kind comments are very comforting to me. As I told BFH earlier, we’ve never met, but I feel I know many of you. It is an honor to be among such Patriots and truly kind people. Thank you.

  11. Callie, I just re-read the tribute you wrote for your DH. It is truly beautiful and your mature love for him, and his love for you resounds. God bless you and yours.

  12. Your pain must be great. Equal to your great love for him and his for you. Know that it cannot be any other way when you love so much. It is a reflection of what was good.

    May everyone’s embrace help you through this time. How fortunate you have been to have walked your path with love.

    May God hold you gently in this pain.

    All love to you.

  13. What a special man, and clearly you’re an exceptional woman. May peace that passes understanding and God’s comfort and care be yours. Blessings and prayers, Dear One. 🙏

  14. In my post yesterday, Callie, I was focused on offering you comfort and I did not acknowledge the lovely tribute you wrote about your husband. He was a good man and will be missed by many. Just put one foot in front of the other and you will get through this.

  15. I was traveling for work, so I’m a bit late for this.
    If I could make a joke that would make you smile, if only for a minute, I surely would. But in times like this, I’m speechless to your grief. God Bless.


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