“It’s your patriotic duty to get jabbed” – Brandon – IOTW Report

“It’s your patriotic duty to get jabbed” – Brandon

If the vax phucks me up, who pays my bills?

He’s lauding Trump. Now I’m more skeptical.

He’s SAVING lives, not controlling them-

34 Comments on “It’s your patriotic duty to get jabbed” – Brandon

  1. It is my patriotic duty to tell you to Go F@!K Yourself!!!….If you are neurotic enough to keep jabbing untested long term vaccines into your body, then go right ahead…I don’t really get what the difference is whether I do or not because it has been proven time and time again that it can be transmitted from vaxxed or un-vaxxed…so at the risk of repeating myself….Go F@!k Yourself!!!!

  2. What we KNOW the shots do: cause injury and death. What they SAY the shots do: reduce severe symptoms of COVID. What no one knows: the long term effects of the shots. These do not look like a parade of positives, a proposition to bet on, a reason to roll up a sleeve. This does not even address the Homeric in proportion botching of the rollout and sale of the disease and it’s palliative. We know government thinks we’re stupid, but we weren’t aware just HOW stupid government thinks we are.

  3. “My administration is putting them in place not to control your life but to save your life” is the modern day iteration of “We’re from the government and here to help.”

    Kindly go fuck yourself with rifle cleaning equipment. Use that brass brush real good. See ya.

  4. Today is Winter Solstice 12-21-2021
    Hopefully the day when the entire world turns their back on this asshole, that Fauci asshole and every democrat asshole in congress.

    The days will start to get longer and hope springs eternal for these assholes won’t be around too much longer…

  5. Checked out the video on the White House YouTube channel towards the end … 32K vie-, no wait, 29K views. Once you factor out the DC viewers, that translates to about .. 29 viewers? in the rest of the country

    And 881 likes and NO DISLIKES!! I guess nobody really hates Brandon anymore

  6. Laud Trump now. Around time for elections, they will use the knowledge of vaxx damages to blame Trump and use it to beat him up in their campaigns.
    Conveniently glossing over the fact that it was the Brandon regime that mandated them.
    You know there are a**holes out there that would fall for that crap.

  7. From Johns Hopkins: A typical vaccine development timeline takes 5 to 10 years, and sometimes longer, to assess whether the vaccine is safe and efficacious in clinical trials, complete the regulatory approval processes, and manufacture sufficient quantity of vaccine doses for widespread distribution.

    Get back to me when the results are in for Phase III. For those who’ve been jabbed, thank you for your service.

  8. Callmelennie, youtube disabled dislikes for Pedo Joe.

    Not about control eh?
    Is that why you made sure jobs and certain medical procedures and travel and such will be threatened and/ or taken away if you don’t take the clot shot?

    Illegitimate jerk.

  9. No, it’s the patriotic duty of the president to let citizens live their own lives without threats, coercion, and fear-mongering.
    On that note, if joebloetheassho says it will save your life, it’s gonna kill you.

  10. He is consistent !!!

    This bullshit-filled jackass has lied every day of his unworthy life. He wasn’t trying to force his jab on us?? HE IS!

    He promises it saves lives? How? Because he’s a doctor? Hell, he didn’t even graduate law school legitimately. He couldn’t have, HE’S TOO STUPID !

    Nothing honest has ever oozed out of this demon, he is shit. He creeped on as a LIFELONG politician because we allowed it. SHame on us.

    FJB !!!!!!!!

  11. Here’s my prediction: They are likening Omicron to the next world killer, shutting everything down again and pushing for the jab. Omicron will be nothing but a bad case of a cold if that, but they will tout the jab and the lock downs as what saved us.

  12. There’s something about this phrase “Get shots in arms” that Biden etc uses that just irritates the hell outta me. It’s robotic, insincere, folksy and condescending all at once.

    Just go away Joe.

  13. Not sure what the long term effects of the experimental so-called vaccine will be.
    I can tell you the effects short term and long term for my younger brother of 64 years.

    September 29th he suffered a stroke with 3 blood clots going to different parts of his brain. He is paralyzed on his right side, incontinent, unable to speak, unable to walk, just recently had his feeding tube removed and can now swallow pureed and specially prepared food.
    Last Thursday he was released from the hospital, not because of improvements in his condition but Medicare has a limit of how long he can receive care and acute therapy. He is now in a Nursing home with less care and less therapy.

    Does Pfizer or Biden’s government give a shit? No.
    His short term and long term are filled with impatience, frustration, pain, anger, dependence and depression. His whole world has crashed around him.

    Hey, take the vaccine, it’s a free country, but understand you may have your freedoms limited to a bed, in a room at a nursing home fully dependent upon others, no recourse, a bleak, shortened future that will bleed what meager savings you have, just like my brother and thousands like him.

    It isn’t always the other guy, gal or family, it could be you.

  14. Ok just received notice that a forth co-worker has died from the coof…all 4 were fully “vaccinated”, all have died in the last 6 months. Granted none of us are spring chickens and we lose a fella from time to time but as far as I know none from the unvaxed cohort have died.

    Fuck Joe Biden, ITS THE VAXED who are dying. Hope the Vax gets him, but we all know he got saline.

  15. Cato
    Thoughts and Prayers for your brother 🕊️❤️🙏

    The fraud in the White House just makes the stomach turn. 🤢

    Lord have mercy on our nation, 🙏 we have 3 more years of this shit.

  16. cato, I’m sorry about your brother. It has killed family members of mine as well as friends and acquaintances.

    Nobody, including Trump should be pushing these death jabs and anyone who does, I have no respect or trust in, because they are ignoring and not giving a shit about your brother, my mother or any of the thousands of others.


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