I’ve About Had It With Stupid People – IOTW Report

I’ve About Had It With Stupid People

Who are the stupid people this time? Anyone defending Chase Utley, the jerk who has a long history of dirty slides. See HERE. HERE. HERE. But at least these were slides.

In tonight’s playoff game, Chase Utley went airborne,

Screen Shot 2015-10-11 at 12.57.54 AM

AFTER the bag, and hit Ruben Tejada high, with Tejada’s back turned, breaking his leg.

Sliding into the bag hard is part of the game. What part of “SLIDE” do the morons that are defending Utley not understand?

Utley did not even stick around on the field to see if Tejada was okay.

Utley is a marked man. If the Mets do not retaliate I will lose all respect for them. But I’m positive they will. (I don’t want them to retaliate against anyone BUT UTLEY.)

I want the Mets to screw him like Jayson Werth screwed his wife.


26 Comments on I’ve About Had It With Stupid People

  1. How in the hell do you get that?!?!>>>

    The guy goes airborne with an illegal slide over the bag, takes out the shortstop’s leg, breaking it. Never touches second. Gets up and runs off the field. But he’s not out, because,
    the asshole Dodgers ask for a replay while the shortstop with his broken leg after the ILLEGAL slide is still laying on the field, and the replay shows that Tejada’s toe was one inch off second.

    The fact that Utley never touched second as he flew airborne over the bag is meaningless.
    It’s also meaningless that Tejada couldn’t touch second after seeing Utley never touch second because he was ON THE GROUND WITH A BROKEN LEG FROM AN ILLEGAL SLIDE!!!

    Horrible call. Horrible interpretation.
    Utley should have been out on an interference call.
    Simple. Correct.

  2. Look at the screen shot I provided.
    Now think about the ruling baseball has made to protect catchers from home plate collisions (catchers who wear protective gear.)

    Now look at Tejada out there, his back turned, about to have his leg broken by a dirty slide, and tell me that baseball got this call correct.
    The call is interference, runner is automatically out.

    The umps ruined this series. If LA goes on to win it’s because it was handed to them by morons that don’t know how to rule within the spirit of their OWN RULES!

  3. Back in my playing days in college, as a pitcher with a 90+ MPH fastball, Chase Utley (or the trainer) would be diggin’ the ol’ pill out of his ear flap after his next at bat. Of course that was back in the days when you could throw high, hard stuff inside and it was considered a normal part of the game, even if you exacted a little retribution now and then on somebody that mouthed off with something over the line or a dirty play like this one (I broke a few ribs in my day, some even by accident).

    It’s one thing to go in hard to break up a double play, but you can’t take the fielder out by literally running over them (starting a slide past the base is fielder interference all day long by the rules). And in this case, unless someone like me was running to first, there was no chance for the double play anyway.

    And now that I think about it, back in my day the whole team would have stormed the field and put a beat down on Utley before he got started toward the dugout good for a play that was so obviously dirty – I say that because we did it a couple of times. I’m guessing that like everything else these days, the game (or most of the individuals playing) has been “feminized” such that players don’t have the “hard edge” like they used to when a team mate was blindsided like this.

    The umps should have given Utley the old heave ho immediately and the commissioner should suspend him for the remainder of the season without pay (Tejada won’t be playing for the rest of this season so the jerk that made the dirty play that took him out should not be playing either).

  4. As bad a Chubb’s knee looked there, they are currently saying they don’t think it will require surgery (of course that might change). It was a hyper-extension rather than a twisting injury, so maybe the ligament damage will be minimal and only effect the “outside” ligaments which are a little easier to repair and quicker to heal..

  5. It used to be that if the shortstop or the second baseman got in the vicinity of the bag with their foot, they got the call, for exactly this reason – to protect them from this kind of bullshit, dirty baseball. What happened to that? But regardless, BFH is exactly right – Utley should have been out for interference. Utley never intended to slide, and certainly didn’t start any kind of slide until after he passed the bag. Not only did he get away with mayhem, he was rewarded for it. Baseball was tainted by the play and the call.

  6. The rule is Utley is out and so is the batter.
    That inning ends with the Mets in the lead if baseball got the call right.
    On Twitter, EVERY, I mean EVERY major league baseball player not directly connected to the Dodgers is calling the play bullshit.

    Justin Upton ✔ @JUST_JUP
    If that was a superstar shortstop we would have a Tulo Rule being enforced tomorrow

    Jose Reyes ✔ @lamelaza_7
    that was a really weak attempt at a slide by utley????

    Dirty play by utley

    — JOSE MOLINA (@Joeycatch8) October 11, 2015

    Needs to be called out for making no effort to slide to the.bag. Double play. Inning over!!

    — Frank J. Viola, Jr.
    Since when was starting your slide past the bag OK? I get that you’re playing hard but that was not a slide, that was a dive! #cmonman

    — Dalton Pompey

    It bothered me to see Utley’s slide and the way he went after Tejada. Being a 2nd base man he needed to think how to break the DP not hisleg

    — Pedro Martinez

    “It’s the intent. … The intent was to take him out to hurt him.”
    – Garry Sheffield

    Jose CansecoVerified account ‏@JoseCanseco 3h3 hours ago
    Chase Utley s slide so dirty …wow so late .when I played I weighed 240 and would never consider hitting someone so harg
    247 retweets 253 favorites

  7. You’re right. Both the base runner and the hitter would have been ruled out if the rules had been followed as written. Although making the correct call wouldn’t guarantee that the Mets would have ended up winning the game, we’ll never know because the rules weren’t followed by the umpiring crew. And this wasn’t a borderline call …….. it was a very obvious case of interference by Utley aside from the apparent intent to hurt Tejada if he could.

  8. Utley IS a bastard.
    At least Tejada’s left knee/leg gave the jerk’s face a nice makeover job…I had to watch that 20 times.

    Is this sort of crap being encouraged in baseball, to sort of make it more “appealing” in the ice hockey way?

  9. Chase Utley is the new Pete Rose. Both are major league jerks. And just for that as much as I like the Dodgers I’ll root for the Mets now. There is no excuse to break a guys leg like that in any sport. Mets/Cubs for the National League championship.

  10. But even in hockey intentionally injuring your opponent is against the rules. The video shows Utley absolutely intended to injure Tejada.

    Utly should get a huge fine and suspension for the rest of the season.

    Um this just in: The Red Wings have signed Utley to a $3 million contract to play the enforcer/GOON position.

  11. He was OUT at second, but he stopped the double play, thus protecting the run at home.

    The sad thing about baseball is that it USED to have a justice system. You slide like Utley, you get payback. You crowd the plate, we played chin music. You keep crowding, we hit you low or on the ass. You hit mine, I hit yours. You stooge at the plate and watch your long ball, you get hit. Now, that system of justice has been perverted to the point that it no longer exists. Much of the self-policed civility and clean play on the diamond no longer exists, due to silly rules, players who wear their feelings on their sleeves and capricious umpires. We swing between tight control and “let ’em play” with such unpredictability, no one knows what they’re supposed to do any more.

    Next game, the umpires will probably lay down the law to both teams, effectively protecting Utley from any retaliation. Hopefully, the Commish bans him from the rest of the playoffs, but even that reeks of bush league, which is what MLB is threatening to become, in all but salary and hype.

  12. What???? SAFE? What happened to “in the area” on a double-play? This is and was the absolute trade-off between “yes I can aggressively slide” and “if you can slide like that, I don’t have to touch the bag!”

    If you are going to replay double-plays at second base, then ban sliding on force plays. Period.

    Or get rid of replay. MLB is becoming the NFL.

  13. I was on the other end of the battery, through college. Yes, dirty players either kept it in check or used a lot of atomic balm and Bayer aspirin. Like I posted above, baseball had a very effective justice system, and it worked. But no more…

  14. When the Dodgers asked for the replay, the umpires could’ve “discovered” the interference call and called the double-out. Then, the Dodgers could not have whined about it, because it was their request.

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