I’ve Been Doing A Radio Show For The Past Few Days – IOTW Report

I’ve Been Doing A Radio Show For The Past Few Days

Update: if you want to ask questions in this thread maybe we’ll get to some.

I’ve been a returning guest on The Black Rose Show. It’s a brand new radio show hosted by the author, The Black Rose.whaNsl6H_400x400

It seems as though The Black Rose doesn’t want any other guests, I’ve done every one of her shows and I’m scheduled to do another one tonight. It’s a late night show, 11PM ET, and the Black Rose has a way of getting me to talk about my personal life, something I’ve never done on iOTWreport.

The show is not about politics, it’s simply about life.

Show 1 was just me whining about being lost in America the last year or so.

Show 2 was supposed to be about something, but it was just me whining again about my 1st world problems.

I think they are available on podcast. I’ll have to ask about the links.

Tonight’s show is titled The World We Grew Up In Disappeared. Let’s see if I can derail this one as well.

You can listen to it live HERE.

And I do believe you can call in with this number — (646) 787-8587



88 Comments on I’ve Been Doing A Radio Show For The Past Few Days

  1. Funny. I remember doing a rant about how Johnny Depp said he never saw Donnie Brasco and I couldn’t understand how that could be.
    Meanwhile, I didn’t listen to the radio shows.
    Not that they are equivalent, but you get the idea.

  2. I have *not* listened to any of them yet, but I ask anyway:

    For a man who is pretty firm about holding to his “Big Fur Hat” moniker for anonymity, are you sure this is such a good idea?

    (be it what you’re talking about, the phone connection itself, etc.?)

  3. Man dude….where the fu-k is it 125 deg. Once the dew point is 70 and the temp is 80 or over. I never leave my special room. Built like a meat locker to keep in the cold air. 70 and 45 humidity. 125 would literally kill me.
    How do you even go to work?

  4. “How do you even go to work?” Me and the dogs stay mostly inside when it gets like this. It’s hard to breathe that hot soupy shit. You get soaking wet with sweat.

    Right now, here at the foot of the Arkansas Ozarks at 6:39 pm, the temp is 90, humidity is 70, dew point is 79, and that makes for a heat index of 106. It would be higher but we have a little cloud cover right now. It got up over 125 today, heat index. Temp maxed out about 102 here.

    That’s from my own weather stations, but others in the surrounding area confirm the high heat index. One even showed 133° today.

    We are under a heat advisory until Friday, but it looks like it might just get worse after that.

    It’s that fck’n high dew point that makes it feel so miserable.

  5. Although I don’t personally know either one of you, many of Depp’s statements lead me to believe he’s somewhere between a low-grade moron and a Jacobin revolutionary asshole. You on the other hand sound like the type of person who’d be a great guy to have as a neighbor based on the stuff you’ve said

  6. I get a few words and then a message, “Loading audio for smooth playback…”. Then a few more words, and then a pause with that message, stop and go, over and over. More silence than talk.

    So my question would be: is there any other way to listen to this show, for those of us with crappy internet speed?

  7. Some say love, it is a river, that drowns the tender reed
    Some say love, it is a razor, that leaves your soul to bleed
    Some say love, it is a hunger, an endless aching need
    I say love, it is a flower, and you, its only seed

    Its the heart afraid of breaking, that never learns to dance
    Its the dream afraid of waking, that never takes a chance
    Its the one that won’t be taking, that cannot seem to give
    It’s the one afraid of dying, that never learns to live

    When the night has been too lonely and the road has been too long
    And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong
    Just remember in the winter, far beneath the bitter snow
    Lies the seed, that with the sun’s love in the spring becomes The Black Rose.

    Sorry, that’s all I got tonight… 🙂

  8. Didn’t listen. Thought it would be past my bedtime. Honestly, all I really want to know is how I can have our dog’s portrait painted?
    The email is always sent back “undeliverable”…
    It’s really annoying.

  9. How come you never even hint at female companionship? The wife said?
    The girl Friend said?
    I took my wife to see this movie and…,,
    Yo gotta be in your 40’s….no?
    All I remember is emails from Mom…..

  10. Half hour goes by really fast. It would be cool if BGH, Pinko, Mo, and Brad did a show together. But topics should be more political/current events. Not this nostalgia old-fart stuff.
    You could call it “The Four Plus an Empty Chair”

  11. BFH, if you’re married and have a baby congradualations. That should have been mentioned. It changes your narrative and the dynamics. I hope you understand my point.

  12. I downloaded the audio of the show and listened to the whole thing before realizing I had the show from the 11th, not the current one. I’ll download the others later.

    The Black Rose sounds like a very knowledgeable woman, and it is good to finally hear some personal information from Mr. BigFurHat. Hope we get more of that. It’s good to know something about the people you like.


  13. The lady at the Spearfish Chamber of Commerce sent me some winter snow pictures — up to the top an 8 foot fence in her back yard!

    I still love the town, I noticed a lot of nice ladies in long dresses there. I really like that.

  14. So I tuned in this afternoon. I wanted to call and just TELL YOU what to drink, what to put under your arms, what to order at fast food.

    Fur, you’re a basket case. If you are married the wife isn’t treating you right. You tell her what you want – a deodorant, a pizza, a new shirt – and she should go out and buy it for you. She should buy what ever makes HER happy because you are so paralyzed you don’t know what will make you happy.

    Sheesh! I take good care of my hubby, you can ask him any time. Maybe we could do you a favor and adopt you like a red headed stepchild.

    Too many choices? That’s one of the things that make this country great. Go live in the third world for a year like I did. Live in a place where you don’t quite know the language but you understand violence could happen any where any time and you could be a victim. Go live in a country where you’re lucky to have a brand of sour cream and a brand of cream cheese. Where you pick out your fish and the fishmonger takes it still alive and beats it over the head with a small bat, and hands it over. Your American know how and experience will be appreciated in such a place.

    Quit complaining.

  15. LOLOLOL.

    I think you’re taking my shtick a little too seriously.
    But I am willing to be adopted if anyone has the paperwork.

    I just don’t want to be adopted into anyplace too cold.
    And I need a jacuzzi.
    And a fenced yard for my rabbits.

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