I’ve Had Enough of The Shutdown Game – IOTW Report

I’ve Had Enough of The Shutdown Game


But government shutdowns of the last thirty years have been unfair fights, with Democrats boosted by the fact that the liberal news media always blame Republicans for the short-term disruption in funding. Knowing ahead of time that the media will give them the P.R. victory, Democrats have little incentive to compromise, as each day’s headlines brings more denunciations of Republicans as mean-spirited “terrorists,” or worse. More

12 Comments on I’ve Had Enough of The Shutdown Game

  1. Government shutdown carries the same horrors as a Hollywood writers strike for me. Pretty sure the IRS will still continue to dock my paycheck. Guess that aspect of government never sleeps.

  2. Remember obamas shut down when he closed the parks and even the lookout of the Grand Tetons? And arrested vets at the War Memorial? Don’t remember a single repub fighting back or obama getting the blame.

  3. “Shutdown” is such a misnomer. Never been a shutdown or even a slowdown. If there were ever a true shutdown the screams from the pampered populace could physically be heard nationwide. It’s all political theater.

  4. I got run off a national park in ‘96. I thought 0bama ought to fill the Grand Canyon with dry ice fog just to be extra petty. Then someone told me about propylene glycol. Much more efficient.

    These shutdowns are bs. Everyone ‘essential’ stays at work and gets paid. The rest come back when it’s over and collect back pay.

    Why does the federal government employ so many nonessential workers anyway?

    The biggest fear over shutdowns is if they go long enough people figure out just how little they get out of the federal government.

  5. That worked out really swell, lets try our masters next trick.
    One trick pony & how far did that get you? This week he claims he go in person to watch his empire crumble. Sometimes the only way to do something is to hit the ole pocketbook. Ouch!

  6. The people have always had the ultimate power to shut down the government by not paying our illegal taxes, but nobody has the balls to follow through.

    This too may change sooner than most believe.

  7. “The people have always had the ultimate power to shut down the government by not paying our illegal taxes”

    I dunno bro. I think they’re just printing it with nothing to back it up.

  8. Brad, you’re correct, but the next currency is gold/silver backed and supposedly all ready to go in a Texas depository. Only time will tell.

    For certain the greenback is being abandoned all over the world which is going to lead to hyper-inflation soon, but it is necessary in order to accomplish the transition.

    What the trigger event will be I have no idea.

    The FED will be no more and with it the IRS.


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