I’ve Never Seen a Cat Do This – IOTW Report

I’ve Never Seen a Cat Do This

And I’ve lived with cats all my life. I’ve seen dogs slide down a snowy hill for fun, but never a cat do this.

19 Comments on I’ve Never Seen a Cat Do This

  1. I’ve never seen a cat do that either! I saw a video of a dog who figured out that standing at a car wash, he would go up to the spinning brushes and get himself a scrubbing. Like the cat, it feels good on their hair and skin – my cat loves to be brushed – begs for it.

  2. We have a former feral kitty who still grabs a face full of shrubbery branches to “pet” himself with. And he frequently comes in with his head covered in axle grime from rubbing up against the underside of parked cars. Cats!

  3. Years ago we had a rescue cat that loved to take a bath. When we found him, his eyes were completely matted shut and his back half was diarrhea covered.
    He would just lean back in the corner of the sink, motor running the whole time.

  4. Had a cat that liked to play fetch with a ball. I think he really just liked to chase the ball, but he understood that if he brought it back he would get to chase it again. He was a real comedian.


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