I’ve never watched a school board meeting before, but this is riveting – IOTW Report

I’ve never watched a school board meeting before, but this is riveting

Every single speaker is there because of the communist teacher that project Veritas exposed. These people are speaking from their hearts and its thrilling to think that this is probably happening nationwide, delivering our children from the grip of demonic socialism and activism, maybe returning schools to academics.

-Charlie Walks On Water


15 Comments on I’ve never watched a school board meeting before, but this is riveting

  1. 19:37 – Begin mask nazi comments from a board member. “Wear one for MY safety and MY children’s safety.” -Audience fights back-

    20:25 – Comments (with full sound) from audience participants begin.

    22:08 – First speaker on Gabriel Gape (the communist).

    There was a speaker before the mask nazi spoke, but 90% of his speech was muted. He spoke out against indoctrination.

  2. Two women on the video:

    The congressional candidate for that district — Wow!
    She demanded an impartial, criminal investigation into this matter, including the names of all the school employees who ignored parents’ and students’ concerns during the years Gabriel Gibe ruled a classroom.

    The “mandated reporter” (an official who is mandated by law to report suspected child abuse) — Youza!
    She wants to know where the report to CPS is! Ooopsie! There is documented evidence of a teacher terrorizing his students (“Scare the F out of ’em”), Project Veritas attempting to show them the video and being threatened with arrest for doing so, and no one contacted CPS?! Uh oh.

  3. Charliewalksonwater — I watched the video provided by GP (the guy in the red MAGA hat) last night, but I only caught the last half hour of it. The school district hadn’t posted an archive of it until this morning, so I watched the whole thing this morning. It was riveting! I was especially sickened by the apparent boredom of the board members with their impassive expressions. Then when they recessed the first time, bringing their lawyer in tow, I knew they’d concocted a scheme to end the comments portion of the meeting. I LOVED how the parents called out the board for their disrespectful fidgeting with their phones and laptops.

    Anyone else notice how over-the-top most school boards’ digs are these days? It’s all rather disgusting how most of them are expensively customized and appointed and yet teachers send out an ever growing list of all the gear they need in their classrooms. Both of those, plus the per pupil cost of primary education more than rivals what recently was a healthy annual tuition for college!

  4. The high school is about three miles from my house.
    THe speakers were a great representation of this city, Sacramento.
    I was proud of them.

    This story, along with the twenty seven Sacramento school kids, is opening a lot of liberal eyes around here.
    It’s a hot topic in the Democrat cess pool.

    That congressional candidate picked up a ton of free PR.
    I’ll have to follow her.

    Last, two of the council members are up for re-election this year, 2021.
    The two were second and third from the desk end on the viewers left.

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  6. If you go to Natomas Unified School District’s Twitter, they direct you to a statement made today about the status of this situation. The link doesn’t work; the page is missing from their website.

    From the 8/31, however, is an earlier statement made by the district. It’s the expected pablum: “respect, safety, nurturing, blah, blah, blah..” Then the other thing that Leftists claim:

    “Sadly, a number of emails have come in from outside our community that express hate and threats. There is sad irony in that outsiders are expressing displeasure towards the individual teacher while also using intense vulgarity, hate speech and threats of violence.”

    Okay, show us the emails, then. Sure, sure, you’ve gotten hate mail and threats of violence. Sure you did. Even if that is so, so what?! Are we supposed to pity your situation?

  7. Alright. The page I was looking for just reappeared on the District’s website. (Reads exactly as you’d expect a school superintendent to respond when he knows there’s gonna be legal action):


    For those who can’t wait:

    “September 1, 2021
    Dear Natomas Unified Community,
    Yesterday, a group released an undercover video that
    has been covered extensively. In this video, a teacher
    at Inderkum
    High School was recorded sharing his educational approach
    that is disturbing and undermines the public’s trust.
    district is aware of the approach of the interview
    and the editing used to create the video. In following
    the principles of
    democracy, Natomas Unified staff is following due
    process, the law, and spent the past two days investigating
    the alleged
    teacher actions and his classroom environment. As
    of today, this teacher was placed on paid leave because
    of his actions
    and choices in the classroom. Natomas Unified will
    be taking the
    legally required
    next steps to place
    the teacher on
    unpaid leave and fire the teacher. By taking a day
    and a half to investigate beyond the video, the district
    was able to learn
    more facts essential to the next steps. Here is what
    Natomas Unified staff learned beyond the video, samples
    of classroom
    decisions that have led Natomas Unified to this decision:
    Clear Violations of Political Activity:
    In 2018 and again in September of 2020 Natomas Unified
    emailed to all staff
    Natomas Unified’s Political
    . In these guideline documents, in election
    years, it makes clear what staff can and cannot do.
    Excerpts state:

    post or distribute materials that advocate
    for or against a ballot measure on school property
    during work hours or copy at district expense.

    conduct political campaign activity during
    working hours or in an instructional setting.

    use district funds, equipment, services,
    staff time, email system, or employee mailboxes for
    political campaign activity, even if the district
    is reimbursed.

    use the authority of an office or employment
    to encourage or discourage political activity by
    any other person.

    Similar information is posted in the staff handbook.
    From the evidence gathered so far, the teacher violated
    the district’s political action guidelines which
    are aligned with
    Board Policy and California Education Code. For example,
    in addition to inappropriate statements from the
    video, the
    teacher posted a sign supporting a personal decision
    for at least local political issue, and possibly
    more. It has also been
    confirmed that he DID receive the 2020 September Political
    Action Guideline email and did open it.
    The Classroom Environment:
    This morning, the walls of the classroom were cleared
    of all posters and signage. Not all of the material
    inappropriate. However, the district believes the
    physical learning environment can best be rebuilt
    from a total fresh start.
    Additionally, the teacher, using his own money, purchased
    a series of rubber stamps. These stamps include
    inappropriate image of Josef Stalin with an insensitive
    phrase, as well as other stamps with Fidel Castro,
    Kim Jung Un and
    others. These were purchased shortly before the pandemic
    and their use was likely initially limited due to
    Learning. The district’s investigation did discover
    that at least during the 13 days of this school year,
    he was using those
    stamps to mark student work as complete.
    The Calendar:
    The teacher did encourage students to attend civic
    related activities for extra credit. It is not extraordinary
    to encourage
    students to attend local political meetings and learn
    about government. Some of the calendars/events the
    teacher shared
    involved potential protests and other activities that,
    at times, became unsafe. Through the district’s
    investigation, there are
    no specific events right now to prove that, but based
    on events in the past few years, it is possible.
    The lack of
    involvement of parents in that kind of sharing was
    both unprofessional and irresponsible.
    There are a number of students and former students
    that are expressing support for the teacher on social
    media. By taking
    the extra time, we have also been able to listen to
    students who have shared discomfort about his shared
    politics. Some
    students have shared that the teacher has stated he
    believes students will move to the left as a result
    of his class. That is
    unacceptable. Students are the ones caught in the
    middle of this. To those who have felt uncomfortable
    at any time in the
    past 3 years, we apologize.
    The Role of History/Social Studies Teachers:
    History/social studies teachers are required to teach
    material that at times can be controversial. Our
    own district policy
    makes clear

    Whenever civic education includes topics
    that may be controversial due to political beliefs
    or other
    influences, instruction shall be presented in a balanced
    manner that does not promote any particular viewpoint.”
    teachers must, without bias, or favoring their own
    personal beliefs share facts and information around
    This teacher crossed that line and
    violated that trust.
    Answering the Question: Why was this not noticed earlier?
    Here’s what Natomas Unified knows and what some initial
    steps that need to be done next:

    In 2018, 2019 and 2020, this teacher had 25 visits
    by site administrators in what are called classroom
    walkthroughs. Those walkthroughs showed that the
    teacher had learning objectives posted such as “I
    will know
    the 4 ideals presented in the Declaration of Independence,
    and apply them to current events.” Other observations
    included students studying about the legislative branch
    of government. A number of examples showed the teacher
    teaching standards and addressing the curriculum.

    The current principal has only been on campus with
    that teacher for 13 school days. She is new to the
    school and
    like all site administrators right now, addressing
    the effects of the pandemic as Natomas Unified has
    just fully
    reopened. She has not had the time yet to get to
    know and assess all 100+ staff members.

    We have discovered that some of the materials that
    were on the wall were added, at the earliest, May
    of 2021.
    Whether those posters were added prior to the school
    year or placed on the wall for the first 13 days
    of this school
    year – we are not yet sure. However, they are gone
    and removed. Leaders from the site have stated they
    do not
    remember the classroom looking as it did in years

    To make sure this does not happen again, observing
    the walls and identifying what is on the walls of
    a classroom
    will be readdressed in a future training for administrators.
    Also, there will be a revisiting of
    Natomas Unified’s
    Political Action Guidelines
    for staff.

    Also, Natomas Unified has a process for students,
    families and staff to file complaints regarding this
    They can contact our Constituent and Customer Service
    Office to identify these kinds of concerns where
    they can
    be addressed quickly. In this instance, NUSD first
    learned of it late Friday afternoon August 27, 2021,
    Project Veritas showed up with cameras and microphones demanding to speak with site leaders and then later a
    district leader. From then, NUSD staff began to look
    into the little known information at the time. On
    August 30, 2021, at 3:42 pm, the site leader received
    an email demanding answers to questions by 9:00 pm
    same day. On September 1st, action was taken.
    Inderkum High School
    The actions and approaches taken by one teacher do
    not represent the overall staff, students and school
    Inderkum has been recognized for its academic music,
    its athletic success, and its performing arts strengths.
    A number of
    students will be hurt by this action. Even more have
    felt the effects of their schools’ negative publicity.
    To the parents,
    students and other staff – NUSD is sorry that this
    reached this level of disruption.
    Chris Evans

  8. Aaaaaaaaannnd there you have it boys and girls. Years of previous violations excused, denied or white-washed, papered over and apologized for… CYA. Only a law suit or three is going to get these sanctamonious, holier-than-thou supervisors shit-canned!


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