I’ve received many emails saying the Russian Ambassador murder video is fake – IOTW Report

I’ve received many emails saying the Russian Ambassador murder video is fake

The conspiracy theory.

Here’s the raw clip.


28 Comments on I’ve received many emails saying the Russian Ambassador murder video is fake

  1. Cheese doodle swilling idiots armed with a keyboard and shit 4 brains. Too much TV there skippy. Some ammo is designed not to exit, dumbass.
    Looks to me like at least 1 lodged in the guy’s heart.

  2. @Bad_Brad: and absolutely consistent with the position where the coward was when he shot the ambassador in the back. You see the left collar lift up and the back-shooter was to the right of him.

  3. I didn’t read but a couple of screens at reddit but there were multiple gripes about lack of diplomat blood. A massive trauma to the heart causes, duh, the heart to stop pumping blood, and stop right damn now. No pump, no flow.

  4. Ahh, I posted that in a thread below. I was trying to be funny haha. One of those shots looked liked it was pretty close to the heart and that would partially explain the lack of blood. Plus that guys built like a Walrus wearing a tiny jacket.

  5. BigGun, Yep. The still photo above looks like any student in an advanced force on force combat pistol course. They all drop the weapon down at the same spot with the exact same trigger finger position. Wada think. I’d bet money this guy had some USA training.

  6. OK.. I still have an problem with this.. So, where are the bullet casings? and how come you can’t hear them hit the ground after being fired? I can hear the bullet casings from my .22 Beretta hitting the concrete at the gun range through my hearing protection.. that high pitched metallic hollow sound is unmistakable.

  7. From the link:

    he ruffling of his shirt appears to be some sort of small explosive charge, evidenced by it being a flash of light, rather than a gaping wound as an exit wound from a bullet would indicate. Freeze frame

    Go to the link for the “freeze frame” screen grab.

  8. I saw many pics and a different video angle today, and when they riddled the shooter full of holes, there were many casing around his bleeding corpse as well as fake blood and fake holes in the wall. In one of the pics, there was a spring laying next to what looked like an empty magazine (clip). That was a real nice touch by the fakers.

  9. BigGun, I’ve taken a class that taught/pushed the SUL tech. I train with the Judi Chop method. Don’t ask, I’ll send you the video. But for a ccw it is very efficient. I think it has roots from the SUL tech. The weak hand position on the gun serves the same purpose.

  10. I love the fact that they hire actors, place explosives on the body to look like exiting bullets, buy blanks that have the gas to work a semi-auto, but they forgot to fill the ziplock bags full of Heinz Ketchup!

    This is Alex Jones level stupid.

  11. Amazing how Hollyweird has influenced what folks think a traumatic wound must look like. Such as a 185 grain bullet moving at 900+fps can lift a 200lb man off of the ground and toss him 20 feet back into the bar mirror. Gapping exit wounds are not the norm.

  12. What the fuck is the matter with you guys? His fucking stance?
    He should have been riddled in two seconds unless it was all an act.
    I give up, fuckit. Brad please. He should have been shot dead immediately or oh fuckit!

  13. Gotta love all the morons on Reddit who think their forensics experts because they watched Deadpool 57 times on HBO. Shootings don’t always result in blood splatter, especially if they’re smaller caliber to the torso to a person with 3 layers of clothing on.

  14. I wonder how many of the people posting have ever seen anything killed by a handgun in real life? They arent particularly powerful and I would not expect a pass through on a big guy like that.

  15. ANY hollow point FMJ can stay in the body after being shot, hell, most non-hollowed can as well! If he took one to or through the pumper though, there should have at least been some forward spray…
    BUT I’ve seen people shot who didn’t KNOW they’d been shot at all and I’ve seen people shot with almost missing limbs…far too many variables to discern from this video!
    To the mo-tards at reddit, dead folks don’t bleed…

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