Ivies Declare Obesity a Disease Treatable by Drugs – IOTW Report

Ivies Declare Obesity a Disease Treatable by Drugs

Daily Wire

Ivy League doctors say that obesity constitutes a new normal for Americans, classifying it as a chronic disease that requires perpetual drug intervention.

In a six-part series on Medscape, “Treating Obesity: Confronting a New Normal,” doctors from the Harvard, Yale, and Rutger medical schools made the case that obesity doesn’t stem from behavioral issues. More

23 Comments on Ivies Declare Obesity a Disease Treatable by Drugs

  1. Interesting that a drug for diabetes, like Ozempic, is handed out like candy for weight loss. It’s the Hollywood rage for an Insta-diet .

    But, that’s an off market use for it! I thought that wasn’t allowed?!? If HQC or ivermectin promised weight loss instead of Covid protection, then off market is okay?

    Trust…nothing medical…ever again.

  2. So, now they’re gonna legalize Cocaine??? LOL… best weight loss drug ever…and it’s fun! For a while…. the cartels that bring the drugs into this country for “OUR BETTERS” are gonna make a lotta money.

  3. Illustr8r, you could not be more right on that. Not only did all authorities slam HCQ and Ivermectin due to off market use, but any sane person would have serious concerns about the medical professionals they should be able to count on! Like all of us oldsters, there are things going on and I really question whether or not I’m getting the best advice. I’m suspicious of them all at this point.

  4. They’re just pissing in the wind. Lying to themselves. There are no shortcuts in life And being thin is not being physically fit or healthy.

    “Trust…nothing medical…ever again.”

    Partially correct in my opinion. “Trust…nothing FDA..ever again” may be more accurate. I seem to notice a second tear of medical people out there quickly gaining respect. The Homeopathic peeps seem to be gaining lots of street creds for results. Watch big pharma try and shut them down.

  5. Just before the plandemic hit there was a number of Homeopathic and Naturalpathic professionals that died suddenly. In fact it numbered in the double digits. There were several articles on it a few years ago.

  6. The article is saying that once you get into the cycle of junk food feedback, you are stuck in it for life and will need to take drugs forever to not be fat. This is so obviously ridiculous. Don’t buy the garbage. Don’t bring processed foods home. Eat real food for a month and the junk craving is gone.

    Would they say this about nicotine, alcohol, or gambling? I suspect these “doctors” are simply paid marketing shills for Big Junk Food and Big Pharma.

  7. Personally, I believe that the Ivy school doctors are on to something. Rather than cut down my daily ration of 5 Big Macs, I supplemented by diet with massive intakes of methamphetamine and cocaine. Not only am I much thinner, but I can zip through my work day like nobody’s business.

    Of course, my life expectancy is about 45 years old (give or take 5 years), but I’m thin.

  8. Walking at a Forced March speed, 15min. mile.. 3 miles 3/4 times a week. You’ll trim that fat and work the cardio.
    If that don’t work Fatso I gotta Motivational Platoon fat removal program that will.. courtesy of the USMC.

  9. I was at a function in the hood, and was getting lectured by a fat black woman stuffing her face with the greasiest fried chicken how the CIA was planning black genocide. True story.

  10. Doug Wakeman, Wild Bill et al.– right on.

    Stay away from processed foods. That includes most store-bought bread/grain products. Especially don’t eat anything with high fructose corn syrup. Stay away from anything with artificial sweeteners or labeled low- or non-fat. Just eat real food.

  11. Our food supply is corrupt. The medical establishment is corrupt. The pharmaceutical industry is corrupt. Find a good witch doctor and stay away from wheat and processed foods and you can’t help but to lose weight.

  12. Just use the “German Diet” – force march 30 miles a day on half a piece of sawdust bread.

    Lose 20-30 lbs. per week.

    As Aristotle told the future Alexander the Great (concerning mathematics – Alex complained: “maff be hard an shit, yo”) “There is no Royal Road.”
    (you could look it up)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  13. Call it what it really is, “spoon-to-mouth” disease. Cut what you’re eating in half and start walking and see the results in 1 month. You will be healthier, slimmer, and no addictions, and it’s free.

  14. Meth makes everything better, at least the old school ephedrine speed. The P2P shit makes ’em go nuts in a week.

    Of course gluttony isn’t mentioned anywhere in any literature written in the last three thousand years, no one understood it or understands it and it is therefore a disease process that can be controlled with medication dispensed by your friendly local croaker… oopsie, I mean health care professional…

    Hey, we’re back to meth! Why, You got any meth? I could use some meth, being a fat slob and all… so… what about it? Got any? Huh? Huh?

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