Ivy Law Profs Want to Trash the Constitution – IOTW Report

Ivy Law Profs Want to Trash the Constitution


The “broken” and “famously undemocratic” U.S. Constitution “stands in the way” of “real” freedom and democracy, according to a New York Times op-ed by two Ivy League law professors.

The pair issued a call to “radically alter the basic rules of the game” by no longer requiring us to “justify our politics by the Constitution.” More

20 Comments on Ivy Law Profs Want to Trash the Constitution

  1. There’s a shit ton of countries that have the form of government they desire. MOVE bitches. I here China is nice this time of year. And oh by the way it’s a Republic.

  2. I agree with the profs completely. And when Trump (or DeSantis) become president in 2024 he can throw these profs into prison, without a trial and without any charges, because they don’t need a stinking Constitution, do they?

  3. DavidW
    AUGUST 22, 2022 AT 9:53 PM
    “I agree with the profs completely. And when Trump (or DeSantis) become president in 2024 he can throw these profs into prison, without a trial and without any charges…”

    You mean like the Democrats did to US?

  4. Pure democracy is a flawed system simply because of human nature. Nobody in their right mind would want to live under a system of pure democracy. It is divisive and tribal in nature. It forces people to go along with the majority or risk being crushed. It is actually a stealthy form of fascism that will always lead to widespread slavery with a ruling class in charge of the masses. Our founders knew this and gave us a constitutional republic. That professor is an idiot or worse, a purely evil person.

  5. I am enraged by this NYT op-ed.

    The Constitution, as originally written and through the Amendment process, has worked well during changing times.

    Those stupid air-head ivory tower professors are steering us to a civil war. Of course, being professors, they’ll get Antifa/BLM/Communist dupes and angry youths to do any actual fighting to usurp the Constitution. They want to toss the Constitution to get their pet causes of abortion and other perversions to become the law of the land without any opposition.

    They want to end 250 years of an imperfect but decent, flexible, and workable pact between government and those governed.

    Liberals’ deep hatred of conservatism and Trump is unfathomable.

  6. “famously undemocratic”

    That is by design, shithead.

    I’m always amazed (not really) at what sore fucking losers libs are. When they can’t work within the law, they want to change it; pack the Supreme court, change the filibuster protocols. Rules are for suckers and nobody wins playing within the system. We can not work with them or trust them, it really is that simple.

  7. Ivy Law Profs Want to Trash the Constitution

    Trashing the United States Constitution is an act of treason and any person/persons guilty of betraying ones country should/shall be subject to death upon such conviction.

  8. There is absolutely nothing wrong with our Constitution.
    It is the governing body who refuses to follow it that is broken.
    What needs to be done away with, are politicians who refuse to follow it, and ivy league colleges, and the shit for brains lawyers.

  9. Why do you think we hear the left spouting off about “our democracy” so much? They started this crap during Trump’s term. It’s the way they plan to usurp the protections of the US Constitution.

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