J.B. Pritzker (D) running for Illinois governor caught making insensitive remarks about black politicians – IOTW Report

J.B. Pritzker (D) running for Illinois governor caught making insensitive remarks about black politicians

FOX: A Democratic candidate for governor of Illinois is apologizing for racially insensitive comments captured on an FBI wiretap between him and then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

The billionaire businessman candidate, J.B. Pritzker, was heard suggesting Blagojevich appoint Secretary of State Jesse White to a Senate seat, calling him the “least offensive” African-American.

Pritzker, who’s considered the frontrunner in the March 20 primary, said Tuesday he regretted portions of the conversations recorded during a decade-old investigation of Blagojevich, who’s now imprisoned for convictions that included trying to trade an appointment to Barack Obama’s vacated Senate seat for campaign cash.

“I regret the conversations in many ways, the words that I used, and the things that I didn’t say on that call that I would have preferred to have said. … I can do better and I have,” Pritzker said. “I clearly made a mistake that day and I clearly wasn’t my best self.”

White, who’s supported Pritzker’s candidacy, stood beside him during Tuesday’s news conference. Other black lawmakers joined them.

Pritzker has said he did nothing wrong and noted he never was accused of wrongdoing. He said Tuesday he believed people were leaking the tapes to damage his campaign and he would “contemplate” possible legal action.

The Chicago Tribune published the previously unreleased recording from a decade-old investigation of Blagojevich late Monday.  MORE

9 Comments on J.B. Pritzker (D) running for Illinois governor caught making insensitive remarks about black politicians

  1. “He said Tuesday he believed people were leaking the tapes to damage his campaign…”
    Now, come on; would the Chicago Tribune do something so underhanded? I’m sure they released everything they had that was embarrassing to Obozo!

  2. I disagree. Paying Jesse White every year per vehicle during my adult life has been the most humiliating, degrading, dehumanizing, demoralizing, least dignifying thing I’ve ever had to do. It’s flat out racist against my cracker ass, my white ass family, and every goddamn honkey that lives up in this bitch.

  3. “… calling him the “least offensive” African-American.”

    That’s a compliment.

    I’d be proud to be the “least offensive” cracker-ass honky white-bread motherfucker in America. Or even in Illinois.

    At least he didn’t say: “That’s one good house-niggah, there – he be knowin his place and won’t be gettin all uppity, an shit.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. You’re only supposed to say nice things about black people, like calling them “articulate and bright and clean,” and complimenting them on having “no negro dialect” except when they want.

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