J6 Committee Made for TV? – IOTW Report

J6 Committee Made for TV?

Has anyone heard about this?

Is this for real????

15 Comments on J6 Committee Made for TV?

  1. Influencing election/election interference. You forgot election tampering, subverting the electoral process & of course the ever famous coup attempt.
    PBS wins again. Some just hate the truth coming out. Just because one might believe their own lies does not mean anyone else will believe those lies.

  2. Then when the J6 Committee was subpoenaed for their information, they said it was all deleted.
    Not suspicious at all, 2 years of truth they didn’t want anybody to see.

  3. Rush was right, yet again.
    From 2015 Daily Caller story:
    Rush Limbaugh blasted the Democratic Party Monday, insisting it “proves better than anybody ever has that politics is showbiz for the ugly.”


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