Jack Dorsey Falsely Claims Twitter Is Not An ‘Arbiter Of Truth’ – IOTW Report

Jack Dorsey Falsely Claims Twitter Is Not An ‘Arbiter Of Truth’

The Federalist: In an interview with Rolling Stone this month, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey was asked how his company is addressing harassment and false information across their platform. His response? “We can’t be arbiters of truth.”

And yet, Twitter employees act as the self-appointed arbiters of truth everyday. Dorsey even acknowledged that he has a team of humans, not bots, whose job is to decide what is “misleading” and to curate posts as they see fit.

“The question we’re now asking ourselves is, if that is indeed misleading, how do we stop its spread? We can amplify the counter-narrative. We do have a curation team that looks to find balance,” he said.

Dorsey does not compute that by amplifying counter-narratives and in relying on his team’s idea of balance, he is indeed acting as an arbiter of his own version of truth. Here are just a few of the blaring instances when Twitter has established “their truth.”

1. Forbidding Users from “Misgendering” and “Deadnaming”

Last fall, Twitter updated their terms of service, stating: “We prohibit targeting individuals with repeated slurs, tropes or other content that intends to dehumanise, degrade or reinforce negative or harmful stereotypes about a protected category.”

“This includes targeted misgendering or deadnaming of transgender individuals.”

“Misgendering” is when you don’t use a transperson’s preferred pronouns, and “deadnaming” is when you refer to a transperson by the name they used before their transition. Consequently, last year a prominent feminist and writer, Meghan Murphy, was banned for both deadnaming and making “objectionable” statements like “Men aren’t women.”

If Twitter isn’t setting out to determine what is true or false, then basic truths about men and women wouldn’t be deserving of censorship. To use their own language, Murphy must have been “misleading” people to believe that a man cannot transform into woman simply by declaring he is a woman, and that’s why Twitter had to take action in banning her account.  more here

10 Comments on Jack Dorsey Falsely Claims Twitter Is Not An ‘Arbiter Of Truth’

  1. The use of “curation” in the article is itself “misleading”.
    A 3 card monty of past tense and present.
    Historical Archives?
    The Official Record?
    Fuck you Sophistrists.
    You Mitt Romney financier sub sub submerged con artists.
    Beware, Your slums are Rising.

  2. “Men aren’t women” is false? When did that change? I thought that was the point of feminism – that women aren’t men.

    Could it be that “Men aren’t women” is false, but “Women aren’t men” is true? Progressive logic. F*K Aristotle. Dead white male.

  3. The Left uses emotion as the basis of its thinking.

    The right uses thinking as the basis of its emotion.

    Thinking can be either emotional or logical in origin but, as with east and west, “never the twain shall meet”.

  4. You could not ay me enough to join Twitter, Farcebook or any of the other communstic sociaal website. Would you go play in a patch of poison ivy. I think not. How many deaths has these websites cause?


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