Jack Smith Isn’t Likely to “Stick the Landing” – IOTW Report

Jack Smith Isn’t Likely to “Stick the Landing”


Friday, immediately upon the news that the Supreme Court announced its decision to decline to expedite a ruling on former President Donald Trump’s immunity claim in the special counsel Jack Smith probe, Fox News contributor Jonathan Turley downplayed the possibility of a March trial date.

According to Turley, Smith gave up a likely favorable venue with the D.C. Circuit in his attempt to expedite the process. More

15 Comments on Jack Smith Isn’t Likely to “Stick the Landing”

  1. We a know Trump will appeal it to the Supreme Court if he fails his next appeal. Run out the time line thats his game. Supreme Court will end up with this Hot Potato whether they like it or not.

  2. Sticking the landing isn’t the goal.
    Keeping Trump preoccupied and spending money and trying to make us hate him are the real goals.
    They aren’t succeeding.
    I expect them to really get radical and try to stop the election or something worse.

  3. Most people have made up their minds about this even before his indictments ever ever started. Change minds not really maybe only for a few independents & child voters. This is all about the law, some respect em some do not.

  4. Jack Smith is a useful idiot. Whoever’s orchestrating the destruction of our country, using the seditious gay Kenyan commie and Biden, considers Jack Smith as expendable. Smith is obviously not too bright, in way over his head, is highly emotional, and driven by his hatred for President Trump. When this is over Jack Smith won’t be worth jack shit. What a fool.

  5. How astounding that


    is told that the US Supreme Court

    doesn’t care about his
    Election Interference Timeline

    thought he was so much more important

  6. The avalanche has begun, the snow shows cracks and rippling above as movement can be seen, gathering distortions in the surface all trending downward, slow, slow, but accumulating, always in one direction, down the face of the mountain.

    Let it continue, let the slow accumulating wash of reality strip the evil leftist scum from every ill gained seat of power they have immorally obtained and illicitly occupy. Wash them into the sea to drown in their own rotted mass of corporeal corruption, to be cleansed by rejoining Mother Earth, and forgotten by man.

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