Jacka$$ James Comey Talking in Circles – IOTW Report

Jacka$$ James Comey Talking in Circles

Daily Caller-

FBI director James Comey on Wednesday said that an FBI agent who operated a private email system similar to Hillary Clinton’s would be “in big trouble” at the bureau.

Comey was responding in a House Judiciary Committee hearing to an allegation from Ohio Rep. Steve Chabot that the decision to not charge Clinton with mishandling classified information showed a “double standard.”

Comey said that he disagreed with that characterization. But he added that she would not get off scot-free.

“If we were to recommend she be prosecuted that would be a double-standard,” Comey said. “Because Mary and Joe  at the FBI or some other place, if they did this, they  would not be prosecuted.”

He added: “They’d be disciplined. They’d be in big trouble in the FBI if they did this.  They wouldn’t be prosecuted. That wouldn’t be fair.”

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Okay, Jackass. What “trouble” is Hillary in?

She’s being rewarded with the potential to be commander-in-chief. Is this the type of “trouble” you’re talking about?

Would Mary and Joe be elevated to president of this “other place” you’re talking about if Hillary did what she did there?

And what banana republic place would that be?



23 Comments on Jacka$$ James Comey Talking in Circles

  1. He is beginning the “twisting in the wind” choreography. He knows his pet will lose. He knows his ass is toast under Trump. He knows his reputation is in tatters, and nothing will save his bacon now. Maybe he can get a job as a exam proctor at Havad University.

  2. I have a buddy in the FBI.

    He told me, the FBI can’t do anything to her because she’s no longer Secretary of state. I’d she were, she could lose her position and all that.

    Not sure I agree with. In fact, I completely disagree. But, that’s what he said……

  3. This morning there is another trey gowdy dog and pony show with him interviewing the POS comey. Mad dog gowdy is absolutely toothless/worthless! My sixth grade grandson could get more info than the carnival barker than gowdy has become.

  4. Weepy whiney Comey is pleading that people don’t call him and his sycophant agents weasels. Weasel, weasel, weasel, weasel!!!! Now go cry in your beer and skittles you dirty weasels!

  5. Comey had 150 FBI agents and support staff working full time for over a year just to determine that Rodham Clinton gets a “Get out of Jail free card” but Mr. and Mrs. average American would get slammer time for doing the same dirty deeds!

  6. If they give Hillary the win in the election, there will no longer be any law enforcement in America, they will take all that data they have been collecting at the “fusion” (spy) centers and start using it against every conservative who didn’t vote for a corrupt America.
    Comey will be her winged monkey and the FBI will only be tasked to prosecute the opposition.

    The whole bunch, barry and lynch too, can’t burn in hell soon enough.

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