Jail records appear to contradict Minnesota leaders’ claims that most ‘protesters’ were from other states – IOTW Report

Jail records appear to contradict Minnesota leaders’ claims that most ‘protesters’ were from other states

Washington Examiner: Jail records indicate that a significant majority of protesters who have been arrested in Minneapolis are from the state of Minnesota, which contradicts earlier claims from state leaders.

The online Hennepin County Jail log shows that 45 people were arrested on Friday and Saturday so far and that 38 of those people have addresses within the state, according to public records reviewed by Fox 9. However, the records contradict statements made by a number of Minnesota legislators who blamed the apparent increase in tension on out-of-state bad actors but only viewing jail records could misconstrue the demographics of all the protesters in the state.

“They are not from our state, and they’re coming from the outside,” Sen. Amy Klobuchar said, according to USA Today. “We cannot move forward when people are burning down our city.”

Gov. Tim Walz said during a press conference on Saturday that rough estimates indicate that about 20% of protesters are Minnesotans, and the rest are from other areas. St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter said in the morning conference, “What we’re seeing now is a group of people who are not from here. We don’t know these folks.” more here

11 Comments on Jail records appear to contradict Minnesota leaders’ claims that most ‘protesters’ were from other states

  1. It was the other way around. 20% were bused in and 80% were local thugs.
    And in a couple of other cities (Atlanta and some where else) I did read there were a few buses bringing people in. I don’t know how many people were on it and where they came from, but out of town is still out of town.

    That’s how antifa rolled in europe. They were taken to riots.
    They do that here, too. Same goes for blm. They have websites posting schedules and meet ups.

  2. That was the leaders doing a, “Not ma chile!” and “Ma state dindu nuffin!”
    “Ma constituents was goin ta kallidge!”

    Only, it happened in your own damn city, around your own people. Do they think people from out of state got to ground zero to riot BEFORE the out of towners? Bitch, please.

  3. …actually, I agree, to a point. The demostrators are local idiots, lots of White kids included, but the ringleaders are the Soros funded antifa and BLM, who tell them where to go, what to do, and coordinate with their local media friends.

    George must be quite pleased…


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